Kyle wants Trish back/ finding out about the scars

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Trish's POV

I woke up this morning and took a shower and when I came out I wore *picture below*

I put on a leather jacket anyway I was hoping Lita forgot about those scars but I was wrong she walked up to me and took my jacket off

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I put on a leather jacket anyway I was hoping Lita forgot about those scars but I was wrong she walked up to me and took my jacket off.

Trish: what the hell

Lita: Trish I want to know about these

Trish: why can't you see that I don't want to talk about them

Lita: why don't you want to talk about them?

Trish: because I don't want to

Lita: *sighs* okay

Trish: and don't tell anyone about them because it is not your business or theirs

Lita: alright

I grabbed my jacket back and there was a knock on the door I opened it to reveal Jeff I smiled.

Jeff: you ready?

Trish: yup

We walked out of the hotel and headed to the park.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

This morning I decided to hang out with Trish since Matt wants to spend time with Lita today. I knocked on the door and when she opened the door Lita had a worried expression on her face which is rare I wonder what happened but I shrugged it off she might tell Matt.

End of POV

Lita's POV

When Trish walked out of the room I had that sentence running through my head 'and don't tell anyone about them because it is not your business or theirs' I still can't believe what I saw with those scars who hurt her. It couldn't be Jay because he didn't seem that sort of guy and like she said they were healed like they were done when she was younger.

I heard a knock on the door and I sighed.

Lita: come in

The door instantly opened and in walked Matt he looked worried about me when he saw me I rested my head on his shoulder when he sat by my side

Matt: what's wrong?

Lita: I can't tell you

Matt: why not?

Lita: because I promised someone that I wouldn't tell anyone

Matt: who is this person?

Lita: *sighs* it is Trish

Matt: what's so bad that she doesn't want anyone to find out?

Lita: I can't say

Matt: I understand maybe Jeff can get it out of her

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