Lita saves Trish

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Trish's PoV

I'm about to go in a match against Victoria since she asked for it I don't know why she asked for the match. I am just brushing my hair when there was a knock on the door.

Trish: come in!

The door opened and in walked Lita she smiled.

Lita: hey

Trish: hey what's up?

Lita: I want to wish you luck in your match

Trish: thanks *smiles*

Lita: and if anything happens I will be down to that ring to help you out

Trish: thanks Lita *smiles*

Then there was another knock.

Trish: come in!

The door opened and in walked Coach.

Coach: your match is going to start soon so you better go to the curtain

I nodded and followed Coach out of the room and headed to the curtain.

End of POV

Lita's PoV

Trish walked out of the room and headed to the curtain I turned the TV on and Trish's match was starting.


Victoria walked out from the curtain and walked down to the ring.

Announcer: this match is set for one fall first making her way to the ring.....Victoria!

Trish walked out from the curtain and pointed to the crowd with a smile.

Announcer: and her opponent from Toronto Canada.....Trish Stratus!

Trish walked up the steps and got in the ring then pointed to the crowd with another smile. She then stood in front of Victoria and the bell rang and they started.

I watched as Trish was winning the match so far as I was watching Trish's match the door to our locker room opened and in walked Matt and Jeff they smiled.

Jeff: where's Trish?

Lita: in a match against Victoria

Matt: I'm guessing Victoria asked for the match?

Lita: yeah but we don't know why

Jeff: strange but then again it is Victoria she might asked for the match to prove to people that she is better than everyone else

Lita: true


J.R: Trish Stratus with the Stratusfaction on Victoria

Trish went for the pin but Victoria kicked out and then she slowly stood up and Trish ran into a gory neckbreaker and went for the pin.

Ref: 1....2......3 ring the bell

Announcer: here is your winner.....Victoria!

Victoria got out of the ring and headed up the ramp.

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