Danny vs Jeff

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Jeff's POV

I was at my locker with my brother and I explained to them about Danny and they were shocked when I told them about the attack on Trish. I saw Trish walking up to her locker and her friends were far behind she gave me a note and then pretended to grab something from her locker and walked off.

Lita: what does it say?

I read the note out loud.


Be careful Jeff, Danny is around your area and he didn't look happy and remember if he loses a fight he will ask for another and he might use a weapon so be careful we don't want you getting hurt because of him but I know you can take him in a fight.....I'll let you know if I know anything else.

From Trish

I lightly blushed and my brother smirked at me.

Matt: you're blushing

Jeff: *rolls eyes*

Then we heard Victoria's voice and Trish's voice they walked past and when Victoria wasn't looking she pointed down the corridor. Then I saw Danny walk up to us and he didn't look happy with me.

Danny: oi Hardy

Jeff: what do you want?

Danny: I knew that fight from yesterday was a fluke

Jeff: *rolls eyes* just because you can't beat me in a fight doesn't mean it is a fluke

Danny: me and you after school

Jeff: you're on

Danny: and you better watch your back

I then saw blonde and it was Trish she glared at Danny and I got a text off Trish.


You or Matt distract him while the other one trips him up from behind by giving him the leg sweep.

From Trish

I showed my phone to Matt and he pretended to walk away but instead he walked behind him and then tripped him up and he fell on the floor. I laughed at him and so did Matt and Lita.

Jeff: you really think that you can beat me in a fight?

Danny: I don't think it I know it

Jeff: you're an idiot

Then I saw Trish walk around the corner she was on her own so she walked up to Danny and she moved Matt out of the way and she pushed Danny forwards he turned around and glared at Trish.

Danny: well if it isn't Trish Stratus

Trish: I still hate you Danny

Danny: oh come on it was years ago you still can't be mad at me

Trish: I can still be angry at you because you could've killed me if that wound was deep luckily it wasn't deep and I don't care if it was ages ago.

Danny: look I am sorry

Trish: meet me after school we need to talk

Danny: alright *smirks*

Then she walked away from us and I am guessing she has gone to find her friends.

Danny: she might've thought about saying yes to me

Jeff: you've already asked her out?

Danny: no I mean from a different time.....why am I telling you this

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