Jeff tries to ask Trish out

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Trish's PoV

I'm in the my locker room on my own since I've just had a match, the boys aren't here yet and Lita is in a match now her opponent is Tori.

I was checking my phone when I felt it buzz I checked the ID and it was Shawn my brother how the hell did he get my number anyway I ignored him I don't want to talk to him after what he has done to me.

There was a knock on my door.

Trish: come in!

The door opened and in walked Matt and Jeff they smiled at me and sat down.

Trish: why are you two late?

Jeff: Matt took his time

Matt: don't blame me besides you woke up late

Jeff: *rolls eyes*

I giggled at them both.

Jeff: *smiles*

Matt: *smirks*

Jeff: *glares at Matt*

We talked about anything then the door opened and in walked Lita she smiled.

Trish: did you win?

Lita: yup by giving her a hurricanrana

Trish: congrats I bet that put her in her place

Lita: *nods*

Lita sat by me and she told us how her match went and we were happy that she won.

Lita: what about you two? *points to Matt and Jeff*

Matt: what? *confused*

Lita: you came here late

Jeff told Lita why they were late and as Jeff was telltale my her there was some interruptions by Matt.

Lita: really guys?

Hardyz: what?

Lita: it doesn't matter why you were late

Trish: just as long as you two are here now

Lita: *nods*

We carried on talking about Lita's match. Then there was a knock on the door.

Trish: come in!

The door opened and in walked Coach he smiled when he saw me.

Coach: Trish you have a match now against Mickie James

I nodded and went to get ready and then I walked out of the room and headed to the curtain.

End of PoV

Jeff's PoV

Trish walked out of the room and headed to the curtain while left me , Matt and Lita in silence until Lita broke it.

Lita: when are you gonna ask her out Jeff?

Jeff: I don't know

Matt: I'm taking Lita out tonight so how about you ask Trish to hang out, you walk in the park and then take her to a beautiful place in the park then ask her or you can take a walk in the park then go on the beach and ask her out.

Lita: good idea Matt

Jeff: okay I'll do that way

Matt: good luck Jeff

Jeff: thanks

Matt and Lita walked away while I wrote down some ideas because I'm thinking me and Trish can go for a walk in the park and then I can take her to the beach and then ask her let's hope it goes to plan.

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