Discussing about Jeff getting a girlfriend

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Lita's POV

I am worried because Jeff said he wants to get over Trish which I can understand but what if he totally forgets about her and I have asked Jeff will he forget Trish he said he doesn't know. 

Right now I am with Matt at my house and we are discussing about Jeff and what will he be like when he gets a girlfriend.

End of POV

Trish's POV

My mum is still in Canada and my brother doesn't come and "visit" me anymore which I am happy about since anyway I am at home on my own and I don't have any coursework and Jay is working with his mum so I decided to FaceTime Lita.


Lita: hey Trish

Trish: hey Lita

Lita: you alright?

Trish: yup are you?

Lita: not really

Trish: what's wrong?

Lita: we are worried about Jeff

Trish: why what's wrong with him?

Lita: well he has decided to get over his crush on that girl and when he gets a new girlfriend we don't know what he will be like 

Trish: you're worried that he will change?

Lita: yeah

Trish: have you told him that?

Lita: yeah

I saw Matt by her.

Matt: even I have told him but he never gave us a straight answer

Trish: that's strange 

Lita: that is why we are worried

Trish: let him know that he has to be careful with what girl he chooses and if that doesn't work then ask him will he change with his brother because if he changes with Matt then you will be in trouble if he doesn't then you are good.

Lita: we will try that 

Trish: let me know how it goes

Matt: we will

Trish: and if you need me then all you have to do is call me

Lita: we will

I then got a text.

Trish: I have to go Jay is coming over 

Lita: alright

*End phone convo*

I ended the FaceTime call and then I heard the doorbell ring and I ran to the door when I opened it to reveal Jay I smiled and let him in.

End of POV

Lita's POV

When Trish ended the FaceTime I looked at Matt.

Lita: go and ask Jeff if he will change his attitude with you and let me know what he says

Matt: alright 

Matt kissed my forehead and walked out of the house and went to his house. I am just so worried that he will change his attitude to his brother and me but I am more worried that he will forget Trish and everything they have done together.

End of POV

Matt's POV

I got home and I saw Jeff on his own when he saw me he smiled.

Jeff: hey bro

Matt: hi Jeff

Jeff: what's wrong?

Matt: you know how you want a girlfriend to forget Trish?

Jeff: yeah why?

Matt: I just want to know will you change your attitude towards me, Lita and Trish 

Jeff: no why would you ask that?

Matt: Jeff remember when you changed like you hated me and Lita when you had a girlfriend I don't want that to happen again

Jeff: doesn't matter what kind of girl I get nothing will change me I promise

Matt: so you won't forget Trish 

Jeff: no how can I forget her 

Matt: good

Jeff: if the girl I am with bad mouths you, Lita or Trish then I will break up with her and if she hurts you, Lita and Trish I will break up with her

Matt: that's good we don't want you changing

Jeff: like Trish did

Matt: Jeff she is still the same Trish she just has a boyfriend

Jeff: I know 

Then I walked up to my room and texted Lita.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

It was strange how Matt was acting when he walked through the door but when he explained I understood then he walked upstairs to his room.

End of POV

Lita's POV

I got a text off Matt.


Hey Lita I asked Jeff and he said that he wouldn't change his attitude with me, you and Trish also he won't forget Trish he told me how can he forget her so that is good news but he also told me that if the girl he is with bad mouths us three or hurts any of us he will break up with her.

Luv from Matt xx

I sighed in relief and then I told Trish about what Matt texted me and she told me that she will help with us three if she isn't with us and lately she hasn't been and to be honest we all have drifted apart in high school you wouldn't be able to separate ourselves but now we rarely talk with Trish and Jeff rarely talks with me and Matt. 

End of POV

Trish's POV

I was talking with my other best friend I made while at college she is called Lucy and we stick together she is similar to Lita she has an attitude and we bonded over our attitude. Right now I am sitting on my bed listening to music and the song that was playing was called 'part of me by Katy Perry'. 

I walked onto my balcony because I heard a noise but I saw nothing so I walked back into my room and closed the door and curtains. I got ready for bed and then I turned my music off and checked social media on my phone and when it got really late I had a text off Jay.


Night babe see you tomorrow 

Luv from Jay

I smiled and sent the same text back and then I put my phone on charge and turned my light off then fell asleep.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

I saw the time and went to my bedroom and I heard Matt on call with Lita and she was happy that I won't change if I had a girlfriend because last time I did they were worried about me and that was before we met Trish. Trish would've helped me and I know it....stop thinking about Trish.

I walked into my bedroom and got ready for bed and then went sleep as soon as I turned the light off.

End of POV

Matt's POV

I told Lita about what Jeff has said and she was so happy that Jeff won't change when he gets a girlfriend.

End of POV

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