Trish talks with Danny

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Trish's PoV

The bell just rang for the end of the day and I grabbed my stuff and then walked out of the classroom. I was met up with Danny he smirked at me I rolled my eyes at him.

Danny: ready

Trish: oh just shut up and follow me

I walked out of the school with Danny following me.

Outside the school

Everyone was gone it was only just me and Danny but I knew Jeff, Matt and Lita will be around here somewhere.

Danny: so do you have an answer

Trish: for what?

Danny: me asking you out

Trish: I do have an answer

Danny: what is it?

Trish: it's a NO!

Danny: but.....

Trish: you seriously have to start fights wherever you go and I want to warn you never get in a fight with Jeff because he can kick your ass.

Danny: no he can't

Trish: his brother and Lita can kick your ass they aren't like the other popular group who you supposedly won in a fight when it was a lie.

Danny: was not

Trish: look I want to know how you found me

Danny: I followed you here

Trish: why would you fucking follow me

Danny: because I want to be with you

Trish: I don't want to be with you

Danny: please you're lying to yourself

Trish: I don't want to be with you, I don't want to be near you, I hate you Danny you nearly killed me you're lucky it didn't.

Danny: I told you I didn't mean to

Trish: I don't care if you meant it or not

Danny: how many times do I have to say sorry?

Trish: never because I will never ever forgive you I hate you because you could've killed me

Danny: look I didn't mean any of that

Trish: you use to be my best friend not anymore because I don't trust you anymore

Danny: but.....

Trish: leave me alone!

Danny: but.....

I kicked him well gave him a low blow then I walked away I passed Jeff.

Jeff: where is he?

Trish: around the corner

He nodded and I followed I stayed by the wall while Jeff walked up to Danny.

Jeff: you want this fight or not

Danny: *glares*

Jeff: are you afraid?

Danny: never!

Danny tried to stand up and he was about to take a swing at Jeff but when he saw me he stopped and then Jeff attacked him I smirked and after 10 minutes Danny was on the floor holding his arm I smirked and walked up to him.

Trish: stay away from me, Jeff, Matt and Lita because if you go anywhere near them they won't be afraid to hurt you.

He nodded slowly and I walked away but before I did I turned to Jeff.

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