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As I sat there in class, thinking about Jasmine, my health teacher started to talk about grief. I quickly stood up, and walked out. I heard my name being called from behind me as I walked down the hallway.

"Salem, where do you think you are going?" My health teacher yelled, pulling me back when he caught up to me.

"I'm going home." I answered, trying my hardest not to cry.

"No you are not. You can not just leave school."

"Watch me." I spat, pushing him off of me. It was the last day of school for the summer, so I really didn't care. It has been four months since I lost Jasmine, my mother has not taken a day off since then. Seeing that she is a detective, an SVU detective, she works with kidnapping. I got in my car, and drove home.

Once there I noticed something off about the house. That feeling that someone was watching me, was back. I had not had any encounters with those.... people..... since Jasmine was taken. In fact, today is her birthday, she is six. I felt a tear slide down my cheek. As I walked up the stairs I noticed a note. 'Maybe my mother wrote it.' I thought. I picked it up and it read:

"He lurks in the dark, Way late at night, To him it's an adventure to embark,Warning: he may bite! He reaches your home, When you are tucked in bed all comfy in your "dome", "Go to sleep", he said.It's Jeff the Killer To him it's a thriller To sink the knife Deep into your soul To you it's cold To him it's life And now he's gone He runs through your lawn While you lay in the cold a sight to behold. Those last words he muttered will scar you for eternity: "Go to sleep."You lay there slaughtered."

My eyes grew wide, know realizing who J.T.K was. I crumpled the paper up and walked inside of the house, dropping my book bag, and headed up to my room. My door, yet again, was closed. I sighed and walked in, hearing sounds coming from the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom door, I opened it to reveal, him. His long black hair and bloodstained hoodie, a wicked smile plastered on his face. He stood up straight and walked over towards me. I wanted to open my mouth, but he put his finger over my lips. He cocked his head and started to lead towards my head.

"Go. To. Sleep," He whispered. I felt light headed and my vision was going. I turned around to see the same, tall, slender, man from months ago, behind me. Then everything went blank.

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