The Storm

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I felt arms wrapped around my waist. 'Who is sleeping with me?' I thought. I stretched my legs and turned around to face the person laying with me. When I did, I was met with Jeff's' face. The smell of fresh blood lingered on his breath. A crack of thunder filled the room ,making me jump, not waking Jeff up. I felt him tense up, but he did not wake up. Soon a bolt of lighting lit the room followed my ear piercing thunder, making Jeff squirm in his sleep. His eyes soon fluttered open, and landed on me. I cocked my head in question. He didn't speak, he only let a single tear slip from his eye.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He looked down at the bed, seeing the blood marks from his recent kill.

"I do not like the storm," he whispered.

"Wh-," I was cut off by the thunder and Jeff fighting to get under the bedspread.

"Calm down, Jeff. It's going to be okay," I said, rubbing his back. He conscientiously got out from underneath the covers, and sat up.

"Are you sure?" He inquired. I bit my lip and nodded, hearing, yet another, pop of thunder. This time, instead of Jeff hiding underneath of the covers, he was on my lap, head in my chest, arms around my neck.

"Jeff, It's going to be okay, I promise," I murmured. He lifted his head from my chest and started to study my face, then looked back down. I placed my hands on his waist, and picked him up, laying him down beside of me. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"What are you doing?" He interrogated.

"You'll see," I responded. I covered him up and laying my head on his chest. I felt his muscles tense up then loosen. His arm snaked around me and soon he was asleep. I heard it thunder a few times before I fell asleep.

"Go. To. Sleep."

I woke up with the sun, barley, shining through the small window. I was in agonizing pain, I do not know what from though. I sat up and saw that Jeff was gone, and more blood on the bed. 'I know what Pewdiepie would say to this.' I thought. I tried to laugh at my horrible pun, but it hurt to laugh, there were cuts on my rib-cage. As I was trying to stand up, someone knocked on my door. I examined the room for a shirt. Once i found one I expeditiously opened the door to be met with Slenderman's face.

"Erm, hey, Slendy." I muttered.

"Hello, Salem. Breakfast is ready, please, try not to smash another mirror before you come down." he said monotonously, then walked off. I closed the door and put some tolerable clothes on before walking into the bathroom, looking at the now fixed mirror. I brushed my bunched hair and headed downstairs for breakfast.

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