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I woke up to a little girl slowly crawling on my bed, touching my cuts. This caused me to yelp in pain.

"Sorry!" She yelled, hopping off of the bed. She had a little Teddy bear, sort of like Jasmine's.

"Its fine." I said, holding my arm where she poked it.

"My-my name is Sally," she said, inching towards me.

"I'm Salem." She smiled and sat in the bed.

"I see you've met Jeff."

"Yea, I guess so."

"I can tell he likes you." I cocked my head at her assumption.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He has not killed you yet, that's a sign." She smiled and hopped off of the bed.

"That might just mean he is going to....." I thought for a minute," torture me."

"He I've never seen him torture anyone. I've been here for a while too. Breakfast is in the kitchen, come get some." She said, changing the subject. I sighed and got off of the bed. It hurt to walk, but I managed to get to the kitchen and sit down. Sally and I were the only ones in here so far. She put a plate of eggs, bacon, and a waffle in front of me. Once the smell hit my nose I started to scarf it down. Jeff, Slender, Maskey, and two others soon walked in. Jeff smiled at me and grabbed a chair beside of me. Slender grabbed everyone a plate, excluding Sally and I, and sat down.

"So," Jeff whispered in my ear, sending a chill down my spine," That is BEN and Hoody . I know you have met everyone else."

"When can i go home?" I whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone looked at me like I had two heads.

"Once you come in, you never come out." Slender said.

"You let my sister go!?"

"Calm down, Salem, you will get Jeff riled. They only let your sister go back because, she is too young to remember any of this." Masky said.

"She is six! I tell her everything, she remembers!"

"Salem, she didn't remember us. We kept her locked up with Slender. He kept her asleep and fed until we could get you." Hoody said. I stood up and ran to "my room." I felt a tug on my arm and someone pull me back. I was turned around to meet Jeffs' face.

"Where do you think you are going?" He purred in my ear. I bit my lip and said,"My room."

"Who said that was your room?"

"Well.... I don't know."

"Exactly." He bit his lip. I could see a slight sparkle in his eyes.

"Let me go, please." The sparkle in his eyes were gone. He smiled, evilly, and started to push me to "my room." Once inside he put me in the same position I was in yesterday on the bed. This time instead of cutting me up, he kissed my neck, making me moan. I knew he wanted it when I felt time smile. I felt myself get,"happy," real quick. He looked at my face, he knew what was going on in my pants. He hopped off of me and walked out the door, leaving me with my,"problem."

I fixed the problem and laid down in the bed. I knew it was probably noon but I felt my eyes close.

"Go. To. Sleep."

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