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Salem's POV

We walked through the woods, making our way to the restaurant, when Jeff stopped me.

"What is wrong?" I asked, curious to know.

"Nothing," he said," I just wanted to look at your beautiful eyes." I grinned at his remark and we started walking.

About fifteen minutes later we were standing in front of River Lane Inn. Jeff grabbed my hand and we walked in. Once he grabbed my hand, I felt that spark that all couples feel at least once in their relationships. Jeff and I walk up to the front desk.

"Do you have a reservation?" The woman behind the desk asked. Jeff nodded and said," Yes." The woman behind the desk started typing on her computer than asked," Last name?"

"Winters," Jeff said and looked at me. The fact that he used my last name made me smile. The woman picked up two menus and walked us to our table.

We sat down at the small table made for two. The nice lady handed us out menus, smiled, and walked off. I looked at the menu and noticed the over priced food.

"Jeff, are you sure you can afford this?" I asked. Jeff nodded.

"After I, you know, to people, I take their money." I laughed and looked at the menu. I did not think that I would be laughing at something like that. I read over the menu as a man walked over to our table.

"I am Justin, I will be your waiter to day. Can I get you anything to drink?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

"I will have a water." Jeff said.

"Same." I smiled. Justin nodded and walked off. Suddenly I had to use the bathroom.

"Um, Jeff, I am going to go to the restroom." I whispered. Jeff smiled and nodded. I got up and started for the washroom.

Once I got back to our table, I noticed that Jeff was smiling, brighter than he usually is. I felt a change of mood when I sat down.

"What is with you?" I joked. Jeff giggled and said," nothing, I just like looking at your face." I rolled my eyes and sat down.

We finished our food and were waiting for Justin to come back so we could get the check.

"Would you like any deserts?" He asked. I started to open my mouth and say no thank you, but Jeff stopped me.

"Yes we would." He said really fast, winking. There was something going on, but I payed no attention to it though. Jeff looked at me and smiled.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too."

It took about five minutes for the desert to come out. Justin laid the desert down with the check and smiled. Jeff handed me a fork and motion for me to take a bite. I looked at the brownie covered with chocolate syrup and poked my fork into it. As I took a bite, so did Jeff. He was only nibbling at it thought. I finally took a bite from the middle and hit something hard. I picked my napkin up and spit the hard, rock-like, thing out.

Jeff's POV

As Justin came out with the desert, I could feel my heart racing. I had a slight feeling that he was going to say no.

Salem was eating small bites from the brownie when suddenly he spit it out in his napkin. "It's now or never Jeffery." I thought to myself. Salem started to clean it off when I stood up and walked beside of him. He was so confused on what was happening. I got down on one knee, making Salem's eyes bug out of his head. His head shot to the napkin he was holding. He opened the napkin and studied it.

"Salem, will you marry me?"

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