Stop This Madness!

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*Salem's Pov*

I woke up in the corner in which I was left in the night before. My body ached from crying until I slept. Soon the padded door opened and the lights came on.

"Salem," the man that walked in asked.

"Yes," I questionably said.

"You are scheduled for multiple tests today, if everything checks out, you will be able to be put in a regular room." I nodded, trying to cooperate with the man. He motioned for me to stand up and cuffed my hands behind my back. I sighed and started walking with the man to the room that I was supposed to be going to.

After a few minutes we were in a white room that smelled bitter like alcohol. The man that brought me here un-cuffed me and sat me down on the chair. After sitting down he strapped my feet and arms down so I could not move. Then he left. I was left here with only my thoughts. "What if. What if I never leave? What if I die here? I can not die here. I will not die here. What if they never let me see the light of day again? How about letting me smell the fresh air." I thought. I tried to sit up but the bands around my arms and legs prevents it. I heard the door behind me open and close. A woman headed over to wash her hands.

"I am going to be testing on you. Cooperate, and I will write a good report. If you give me any bullshit I will send you back to the padded sells for the rest of your life." My eyes grew wide and I nodded.

"Good," she said before putting her gloves on. She had a name-tag on. It read, "Juliette." Juliette walked over to her seat and sat down beside me. I took a deep breath, making sure she knew that I was scared, but that I was going to cooperate. She shook her head and picked up a scalpel. I stared to shake.

" I thought this was going to be tests with needles, not... that!" I whisper yelled. She motioned over to the huge needles and pulled her mask up. She pulled my arm flat and started to make an incision into my arm. No anesthetics. Nothing. I started to shake and scream as she went deeper into my skin.

After about twenty minutes I had stitches in my arms, legs, forehead, and stomach. I had blood all over my body from dripping needles and open wounds. Juliette picked the needles up and walked out of the room. I felt everything around me growing dim and weak. Soon everything was black.

Jeff The Killer's Pov

I was sitting in my room contemplating whether or not to find out if Salem is okay or not. I have not seen Maskey or Hoddy since I come back from Salem's house. I started to feel a sense of rage flow through my body, wanting someone to pay for what Salem felt like last night. As I stood up, I felt my arm burn with pain. I lifted up my jacket sleeve to see blood coming out of a scar that I had made. Breathing heavily from the immense pain, I ran into the kitchen and wrapped a shit ton of paper towels around my blood covered arm. As I felt like the bleeding had stopped, I felt my leg burn with the same pain as before. Just as I had thought, I had, yet another, cut. This one was different though. It did not come out of a scar, like the one before. Someone was cutting Salem, this made me even more mad. I was no longer 'mad' I was pissed off.

After what seemed like ages, the cutting and poking stopped and the blood stopped. I was on the kitchen floor, surrounded in my own blood. My vision became blurry. I felt like I was dying. If I was dying, Salem was dying, and I do not want to die, knowing that I was to cause of this. Soon, everything went black.

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