Love Has Found Us

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8 Weeks Later

My mother found out about me being taken out of the mental hospital and called my phone a few weeks ago. I had to lie and say that I had been staying at a hotel. Now, I was back at home with my mother. She did not know about my being engaged. Jasmine was glad to see me after months and months of waiting. Tomorrow is Halloween and I am taking Jasmine out,"trick-or-treating." She is going to be a "flower fairy," and I am going to be," a ghost." Jasmine was excited about what was going to happen.

~Next Day~

"Baebae! Where is my costume?" Jasmine yelled from her room. She was always wanting to put it on.

"It is in here with me, Jasmine." I answered from my room. Once the last word came from my mouth, I heard Jasmines' little feet pitter patter down the hall and into my room. She grabbed the dress and went into my bathroom.

"Baebae? What is this?" She asked, holding the square wrapper.

"That is... a.. um, balloon!" I whispered. She then tried to open it.

"Can you open it for me?" she asked.

"No, sweetie, this balloon is for people that are very in love." I said and shoved it into my pocket. She shrugged her shoulders and walked back into my bathroom.

After about five minutes of her being in my bathroom, she came out with her outfit on. I had to help her with the makeup, she was so beautiful.

"You look wonderful!" I yelled, making her giggled.

"You need to get your costume on, Baebae!" She said and winked. After about ten minutes I put my "costume," on and we headed downstairs.

"You two have fun!" my mother yelled from the kitchen.

About an hour later were were in front of the church, Jeff was waiting outside.

"Are you ready?" He asked. I pulled the ghost outfit off, smiled, and said yes. I grabbed Jasmines hand and walked her to where she was supposed to be. We had been planning this for weeks now.

We, Jeff and I, were at the front of the church, standing beside of the preacher. He smiled and started to speak.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate these men in holy matrimony," he began. I couldn't help but smile at Jeff and look out into the small crowd. Seeing that it was Halloween, everyone was in "costume." Don and Marry were dressed up too. Soon the preacher had the ring bearer come up with the rings. I took one and Jeff took one.

"Salem, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" The preacher asked. I smiled and said," I do," and slipped the ring onto Jeff's finger. He asked the same to Jeff and he said,"Lets See... I do. I do very much."

"By the power invested in me by the state of Wisconsin, I now pronounce you, husbands. You may now kiss." Jeff grabbed my waist and kissed me. I smiled and kissed back, happy to be making this man my husband. Jasmine walked up to me and handed me her bouquet. I took it, turned around, and threw it behind my head. When I turned around, Sally had caught it. I smiled and we walked down the isle.

Jeff and I soon ran off, away from Wisconsin. We came back every Halloween to see Jasmine and take her out for our anniversary. Don and Marry kept in contact with us and visit often. The group ended up moving in with us. After about a year of being married to Jeff, we decided to have a baby. Seeing that Marry was only 28 she offered to carry our baby. We named her Jade and we could not be happier.

~The End~

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