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*Salem's Pov*

'I woke up in a daze, not knowing whether or not if I was okay. Sitting up, I looked around, noticing that I was not in the 'funny farm,' any more. I was in the woods. I could see a clearing up ahead, so, I stood up and headed for it. Once there, I noticed the amazing artwork that nature had made. The pink was just, amazing. There was a small hill, and at the top, was a man. I could not tell who it was, but they looked just about as shocked as I was. Looking around, I made my way to the man, trying not to startle him. As I got closer and closer, I noticed small features about him that seemed familiar. Once I was about three feet away from him, I knew who it was. Jeff. I walked over and tapped his shoulder.

"Jeff?" I whispered. I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. His eyes were blacked out and his mouth was dripping with blood. I took a step back, not knowing what was going on. Then, as if in the blink of an eye, the beautiful pink clearing turned into a spooky wood. I felt a chill going up my spine, not knowing whether to fight or flee. Being the shy sensitive person I am, I fled. Running through the dark woods, passing tree after wretched tree, made me begin to think. 'Why am I running? Where am I? What had happened to Jeff?' I felt a single tear fall down my face, freezing as it hit the ground. I stopped in my tracks to see a blue/white tree emerge from the ground. I stood in amazement as the tree grew brighter and brighter. It was as if the voice in the back of my head said,' do not head towards the bright light.' I took a look back at the horribly dark woods and back at the bright glowing tree. Then, I walked towards the light.'

Jeff The Killer's POV

'Feeling a sense of relief from all of the blood loss, I sat up looking at where the cuts used to be. 'Am I going crazy?' I mentally asked myself. I looked around. I was not in my kitchen, like I had expected to be. I looked around and noticed a small glowing light off in the distance. Ignoring all of my common instincts, I headed for it.

Once there, I noticed a pink clearing. I felt a burning sensation in my gut. I did not want to say that it was beautiful, but it was a wonderful sight. There was a small hill with someone standing on top if it. They had a striking resemblance to Salem. I felt the confused look on my face turn into a smiling, happy emotion. I started to run up to him. Once I got to the top of the hill, I tackled Salem in a hug. We both fell over, but there was something about him that was off. He had landed face forward into the ground, but his head missed the ground and was hanging off of the two foot drop into the water. I cocked my head to the right, wondering what was wrong with him.

"Salem?" I questioned. I flipped him over onto his back and looked at the sight on his face. His mouth was covered in, what looked like, fresh blood. His eyes were pure black, like I was looking into jet black paint. I wanted to start talking to him, but, just like the snap of my fingers everything turned into a horrible, dark and spooky wood. I did not know what to do but cry. 'Did I just lose Salem?' I thought. I sat down and wrapped my arms around me knees. Letting the tears flow out of my eyes, I noticed that one hit the ground. As it fell, it froze. I did not know what to do other than sit there and look at the frozen tear on the ground. It started to glow and shine. Soon the ground started to mildly shake, making me get up. I stood a good, five feet away from where I was sitting. As I was standing there, I looked in amazement at the glorious tree that was growing in front of me. It was a gorgeous white/blue tree. It started to glow brighter than a shining star on a moonless night. To the normal mans instincts, they would flee from this, and not head into the light, but, I walked into it, not looking back at the dark and horrible woods.

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