broken hearts

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after a week,in the evening,at med camp.

guys i want some fresh air and drink.i am going to cafeteria.anyone want to join.phana asked

no thanks,but bring me the drink beam said

ok,when phana entered cafeteria,he see ming talking with someone.he didnt see who that was.but ming is holding his hands,raffling his hair and sometimes he squeezing his cheeks also.

phana wonder who that will be. instantly the jealous feeling appear but he control himself.

he silently went to cafeteria and buy his drink.when he turned to return he saw ming hugging that heart break in to pieces.

i am squeezing the bottle hardly.

what i am feeling now,angry,sad jealousy or something else.ming saw me but he didn't smile.i cant read his expression on his thing i can say,after seeing me also he didn't leave the hug.

i felt a silent tear at the corner of my eyes.why i am like this.i diverted my gaze from him and went to camp.

beam,i am not feeling well,can you cover for me.i will go to drom.

"are you fine."kit and beam enquired.

i am fine.just need some rest.that's all.

I went to drom ,drop my body on  bed.

why i am like this?

without my concern tears started flowing from my eyes.i don't know when i sleep.

on the other side,ming was thinking about what had happen.

"wayo ,where are you".ming called.

wayo is mings cousin who came from london.they are very close more than like brothers.

when ming and wayo are chatting happily.suddenly wayo said,

"hey is that phana at the stall." ming sees phana ,automatically a smile arise from his lips.

ming do me a favour don't ask anything just hug me.

what,before ming reacts wayo hugs him.i see phana seeing straight in to my eyes.god what is happening,what if he misunderstands me.wayo leave me.

did phana go,no

do you know phana?ming enquired

yes,he is the reason why i return from london.he is the love of my life.

that words breaks the mings world where all his heart glass pieces are scattered.

he looked at phana,he was sad he left cafeteria.

wayo left the hug.

we sit again," what is happening wayo" i asked.

well like i came from london because of him ming.i love him

how do you know pahan?

he was my senior in high school.i loved him.i thought he also loved me.on our last day i went to propose to him,then i heard what he talks to his friends.

"i am not gay beam,i am straight .if a boy propose to you then what .then i will reject him"[phana was talking to his friends

after i heard that i was hurt.then i leave this country to forget him.

last month when i came,i see beam in a mall.he recognise me.

he said "what i heard was a misunderstanding,phana also loves me.he is still waiting for me".

then i decided i will join this university and court him.

this time i will make him mine.

hearing wayos story.ming was nearly collapsed.

phana loves wayo.from high school and he is still waiting for him,thats the reason why he rejected every proposal that came and very date and that's the reason why he avoiding me.

god,then i went to my drom and started crying,i don't want anyone sees me like this.

why i am crying?

who is phana to me?

we are not friends,lovers,boy friends or we a couple.

we didn't even have a crush why i am crying when wayo say he will make phana his. I was deeply hurt. 

he was crying all night and went to sleep/

next day phana went to eng department,he see ming talking to juniors.

he went to forth and called him.


yes phana,these the medicines need for camp.he gave a list.

he see that phana is looking at ming,where ming did not know the phanas presence,he see from last week ming is acting strange.he started smoking again.he is shouting all his juniors.all the changes that he see in these weeks are gone,he was like back then.he wants to conform some thing,so he shouted to phana name

"phana"  ,he shouted so that ming will see phana was here.

phana who was looking at ming,turn to forth.

what is it forth?

when are you going to need it.

by tomorrow.fine i will get it,he casually see ming,where ming is looking straight at phana face with sad feeling.

"so this is the reason" forth thought.

"fine "phana i will get it.

when phana was about to leave a voice called him.

"phana", he thought ming was calling him,when he turn he was shock.

he see wayo walking to wards him with smile

hi phana,how are you?

wayo,why are you here.?

whoh i am science fresh man here.i was happy to see you phana,he hug phana,but phana didn't return it.he sees at mings side who is seeing with unreadable expression on his face.

ming turn his gaze and went out of that place.

pahan didn't know how to react to it.

here he is fighting with his own feelings towards ming and now wayo his first love who he was waiting for came back.

phana was speechless.

they still cant recognise that they like each other.

lets see in next part what will happen

thanks megha

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