devil!......they are angels

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dad the thing is ming started but his throat is dry, 

""ming cant form the sentence.

pha was the first out of trace .he hold mings hand.ming look at pha.

Pha hold mings hand tightly and smiled.

Ming understood .we can do it.both said with their eyes. They turn to their parents.

"Dad,mom I am in love with pha
I want do. Marry him."

"Yes dad mom we need your blessings.please accept to the marriage."

"Why should we.may be this is just an come we expect that you two dont break up,and go seperate ways." Fathers enquire

"No dad,its not attraction.its been 3 years we are in love.well if we say time doesn't matter no matter how many days years or more .we know we will be one.till our death.our live hav that power."

"We not only love each other,we trust each other ,we respect each other ,we believe each other views and decisions."

"So we wont break up.if pha wants that also,then I will make him realise what my love is for him and we will be back" ming said

"Yes dad,all the memories together are enough to live  our days pass with smile and we wont break up."

"If some problems arise we will talk to each other and find solution to it."

"If he was mad at me I know how to convince him "pha added

They both smiled to each other before turning to their parents.

"Well what you say Rick." Pha dad asked

What about you.?

"If they believe and trust each other this much I think there is no way to reject them."

"Ya I think the same. they are mature enough to deal with every let's accept them."

Both father turn to the both mother before they say yes to kids.

Well if you both are ok with that then we have no problem.both mothers smiled.

Every one turn to ming and pha.

We accept it.when you want your marriage be done.

Pha and ming was happy .they jump like kids and hug each other.

Ming peek on phas lips.

"Hey, stay away from my touching.before elders.we wont allow it" phas dad shouted to ming.

Well ming laugh when he hear the same thing s phas brothers shouted.

Phas brothers came and hug both of them and congrats  them.

"You traitors. "Pha said.

"Bro .this is your life and should learn how to fight to get what you want"

You hav known, both uncle and dad are friends.if you hav given us a clue then we will be tension free na.

Well that,we hav to keep it secret because we want to see how far you go for your love.

Sorry na.both brother pleaded.

Pha knows what his brothers said was right.

All the children's  are in hall and parents in study having coffee.

In side study.

"Rick you really ok with this." Ben asked

Yes Ben why ask that.

"Well I hav 2 sons. though pha is not given me any grand sons I expect them from his brothers.but you ming is your only son.dont you want to hav grand children  of your blood line."

:Rick smile,I expect that but what is more important is mings happiness. And it is with per kids we can adopt or try a surrogacy. Technology improved very much."

But what about you ,as far as I know you dont like this same gender relations.

Ya I still dont like them.

I am already prepared to reject them but accidentally I heard their talk before the house.and about what ming said.i was impressed  about him.i hav confident he will make my baby happy.thats why I accept it,then he say he is your son  then I was confident about my decision.

Both mothers laugh and happy listening to their husbands and kids

"So when will we do marriage then" rick asked.
"well pha has still 1 year of study.i dont want to disturb him at that time."

Then we will do engage ment now and marriage after phas study is over.

Ya I am thinking the same.

Out side the study ming pha was happy  listening  to their parents.they are thinking like them only.

Back to university.

All the friends gathered at food court.pha and ming sit before them.

Pha was happy.
Pha what is the matter ?what is this morning glow.

Well guys we  hav good news.

My parents  and mings parents  agreed to our marriage.

Wow that was really a happy news.but you plan to meet mings parents  next week na.

Well obviously it turn out that both of our parents are friends .so it became that easy.he explain every thing that has happen.

Well we are happy for you both.every one shouted.

When is marriage.

Next week engagement  and next year marriage.

Every one was happy especially ming and pha.both interlock their figures and smiled to each other.

That's it for this part
Thanks megha.

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