forth and beam

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Forth POV

I am waiting for beam.yes the love of my life.

Flash back

I saw beam when I entered as freshman in engineering.

He was medical student. I saw him in star and moon compition on our first year.

He was like an angel I fell for him on my first sight.

But when I learn about his life style.i was sad.

He was a casinova.never believe in love. Nor in relationships.

I tried to avoid beam and forget but day by day it was becoming difficult for me.So i decided to secretly love him weather beam return it or not.i will love him forever.

When I learn the rivalry between our departments.i was stunned.

Pha ,beam and kit are crazy doctor gang who hate our engineering gang.

So mostly I was silent not even ming park know about my love.

I always admire him secretly.but when ever I see him with a girl my heart shattered to pieces.still i manages.

Back days beam fucked an engineering girl.her boy friend complained to ming and ming was ready to beat beam.

I know how ming is.beam cant take it. And also 1 vs 100 its impossible.

I messaged beam that eng gang is after him.and leave the place.

I informed kit about it so that they came to save beam.

When we go their I see beam escaping I was silent and didn't tell my gang but unfortunately park saw him and ming ran after him.

When he fall and hurt his ankle ,I was hurt too.I want to immediately go to him and take care of him. But I cant show my love before everyone and was praying to send some help.

Luckily pha came at the same time. I was relax and.Beam was saved.

After a day beam called me.but I didn't lift it.If I lift it he will know I was the one who try to save him.

After 2 times.i received a message saying thanks

Flash back end

I was thinking of him.

Beam POV

I try to call the no that helped me.
But that person didn't lift
So I messaged him
He replied.

For some days we exchange messages .he seems.decent their is no volgur in his message.i was deeply effecting by his messages.may be I was falling for him.i never believe the word love and i never trust in relationship.but this is guy is different.he saved me that means he know who i am?what my life style is,apprently  i am casinova of this  university.but still he didn't slip any bad word,he never make me feel like i am cheap.he talked me like i am a prince of his life.but I dint know why he didn't want to meet me.i asked many time to meet but he politely refused it.

God who is he....
Mean our medical camp started in engineering department.

Though I hate these engineering faculty but we hav no choice .so we accepted it.

And that ming,he always comes to our camp and offering drinks.i decline immediately but what shock me was phana was very nice to him.

Its seems different everytime ming was around pha behaves differently.

One day as usual ming offers us drinks I declain and went to cafeteria to hav mine.

I was sitting alone and having drinks.

Then I heard 2 girls talking.i pretend to sleep but I am listening to everything that girls are talking.

2 girls talking

Hey,forth talked to me today.
What ?how lucky you are.?
Yes, he even helped me in my studies.

He was handsome, gentle ,warm and above all he has muscles with warm heart.

Wooooooo I feel nervous when I am with him.

Wow these girls are talking about forth.beam thought

2 nd girl asked,can I hav his no I need some help in my studies.

Ok fine that girl gives the no and they went on.

End of girls talk

What shock me was the no.

That no feels familiar. Immediately I stand from my place I see the girls going to class.

I stop them .

Please can you repeat that no once again.

Why should we.?

I used my charms.and they fall.

They gave me the no.

I was stunned, frozen and I feel an earthquake under my feet.

The one that saved me on that day and messaging me all this time was forth

But why?

That question lingering in my mind and went to med camp. Before entering I see forth on stage.

I was feeling different .why he seem so handsome to me now.

He sees me from stage that look shoot an arrow to my heart I went to camp silently.

Kit asked me "what happen" but I was silent.

Ming POV.

After last night.i was deeply hurt.

I dont know why he was behaving like that.i was sure he likes me but why he was avoiding me.

This hurt feeling is killing my heart.
Next 2 days pha purposely avoided me.

Why pha that question lingering in my head.


After last night I was sure that I like ming but I was not confident about it because of my past.I should be confident what I really feel for ming otherwise I will hurt ming which I dont want that.

God help me.

That's it for this part
Thanks megha

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