i will crawl back to you

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sudenly pha drag ming to a hug and kissed him,everyone was stunned.

tears are flowwing from phas and mings eyes.

ming push pha "what are you doing?" he rubbed his lips

again pha drag ming and kiss him

"pha stop it?"ming push him

,"no matter  ,how many times you push me i crawl back to you ming.dont ever try that,its waste of time "pha shouted to mings face and kiss him a gain.

ming was stunned to phas words but this time he didnt reject the kiss.he stayed still with tearful eyes.

pha cupped both mings cheecks and said

"ming look into my eyes,look na" please pha requested.

ming look the tear ful eyes of pha.those eyes with full of love,those eyes with full of concern ,those eyes that he love a lot.

"ming do you think i dont know what is going on inside you.

"i am just waiting for a right time that you would realise your  misunderstanding. thats it."

"if i you break up with me ,do you think i will go to someone for love."

"no no baby,your are mistaken.you are the last person that i love till my death.no other one."

"no one is as good as you for me."

"no one love me as you love me."

"when i told i love you to you,you became my world ming,you are the king of my world,i dont need any one .what will i do if you leave me ha."

"i will be dead the momnet you leave me ming."

mings tears are like floods now.

look into my eyes and tell me "dont you see love for you"

"dont you feel anything for me"

"i love you baby your my world, my love ,my king ,my life everything,i cant go without you."

"no one can replace your love,if you throw me also i crawl back to you. until you take me."

ming cant stop himself this time,he hugged pha tightly,tears are like floods now.

"i am sorry,really sorry pha."

pha wipe the mings tears,tell me what is your fear?i know what is it but still i want tohear from you and clear that doughts for you.just say it.

"you waited for yo for so long pha,he know s you better than me.he loves you alot.he is cute,understandable.i know him from childhood."

"he is alot better than me .you derserve everything pha,you are perfect in every aspect."

"you dont get anything if you are with me,if yo is with you he will help you with your future aslo."

"so i thought if i reject you and break up with you, you will go to yo,  "ming said everything that kept in his heart all this time .the things that are breaking his heart all this time.

pha laugh,ming was stunned by phas act."why are you laughing.?"

"nothing ,did you forgot who you are ming?"


"you are king of engineering ?did you forget that."

"you are handsome every one likes you.you are lot cutter than yo,yo is nothing compare to you."

"you did this all for me,for my good,who will think like that ming, though you suffer you are thinking of my future."

"but it is nothing when you are not their ming.no one is as understandable as you."

"yo is just my past,i never loved him. If you leave me also not only yo,never ever any one will come to my life.i wi never accept anyone if it is not you ming

"the place in myheart is reserved for you only for lifetime ming,no one deserve it."

"i dont want want anything except you ming."

"only your love nothing more nothing less."

now tell me

"i love you alot and i am not gonna leave you if do also."

"you are more handsome,more cute,more understadable and alot more when compare to others."

"you are perfect for me,if you are  not their i am nothing,  a zero."

"i love you baby can you love me for  lifelong and be with me forever " pha finished what he wants to say and look at ming  for his answer.

but ming is not saying anything.pha waited waited

"fine i will wait for your answer ming,just remember if you accept me or not is your wish but you will be the last person in my life.i will wait until my death for you.take your time and come back to me."

he peek mings lips and turn to go,but ming hold phas hand.he back hugged him and said.

"i love you pha i will be with you forever."

pha smile and hug ming .both smile and peek on lips to each other.

Every one was stunned and full of tears when this love confession is going on.

now they wipe their tears and laugh with both of them except one person.

yo he started clapping .every one turn to him.he came to ming and pha while clapping

"wow, what a love story.i got goossbums when i listen your confession."

all his words are filled with venom,poison and his voice is cold.

thats it for this  part

what yo really is,lets see in next part

thanks megha

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