a twist

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they enjoyed that night.next day both parents called and remained them not to see each other until wedding,both laugh but didn't say anything,

around 10 am,ming got a call.

'yes,check it once and tell em all the details."ming said

"any problem baby "pha sked while handing ming coffee.

well the branch in pacho,had some problem,i think i have to go and solve it.

/*pancho is a state i created*/

"pancho,but it is far away baby,tomorrow we hav wedding" pha sad,he dont feel good about it.

"well,we have to see i.."before he say his phone ring,ming attended it and ask to arrange everything.

"what is it baby ?"pha asked.

"well i think the problem is huge,i have to deal it directly."ming said

"then what about wedding" pha was sad

"i already arranged my charted flight.in an hour i will go to pancho and love that thing and i will come back in evening,at night i will be here with you.ok" ming said

but pha was not at all feeling good about it.

"baby come here" he makepha sit in his lap and back hugged him

"what is it baby?"

"you have to go,"pha asked

"yes baby if it is not that important i will never leave you.just 5 hours i will be back,"ming said.

pha nodded sadly.

come on give me a smile and send me.

"ok "pha smiled lightly.ming was ready to go,he bid goodbye to pha and peek on his lips.

but pha hug ming tightly and deepen the kiss and it last for some minutes.

ming laugh and peek on phas fore head,"god pha,i didn't go but i still miss you."ming said.

pha laugh and hugged him,a call interrupted them.

"time togo baby,i will call you when i reach."

Pha smiled  but there is an uneasiness in his heart,but he dont want ming to worry about him.he smiled

Ming went on to his flight and it flied high.

Pha sit in his room.he try to distract himself with everything he can but what he always end with mings thoughts. After half an hour ming called that he safely landed and heading to factory.

Beam and kit came to phas house to accompany him but they are stunned seeing the worried pha.

"What happen ?"beam asked.

Pha explained.beam laughed "pha you are overthinking " beam said.

"Ya I know but I miss him .what should I do a d whaT should I do out this feeling in my heart." Pha said

"Pha,you are so happy that's why you are afraid that something  will happen bad.that's it "beam assured him.

Its 7 in the evening."pha eat now "beam shouted.he was just poking his fork in the plate
Beam made a great effort to make PhA eat

When pha was about to complete his food,his phone rang."its ming" pha shouted a d went to balcony to talk.

Beam signed,"god PhA you've gone crazy"
Beam thought a d sighed and see the last 2 spoons that pha left.

"Ming "pha shouted

Ming laugh, "baby I miss you" he said.
"Me too baby I am missing you a lot.come fast na" he said.

"I already finished everything a d I am on plain .it just takes half an hour to  come to you." He said.

"Really "pha shouted.
"Yes baby,talk to me till I land so that I don't feel  lonely."

"You feel lonely" pha asked teasingly.

"Baby you have no idea how much I missed you  and how much I want to touch you."

"God baby just hearing your voice make me hard you know" ming said seductively.

Pha smiled lovely.
"I wish I was their to see that lovely smile" ming said.

"How do you know I smiled" pha asked confusedly.

"I know everything baby.what you do what you think everything."

"Baby give me a kiss na" ming said.

"No come and claim what is yours until then you have to wait. "Pha said.

"Baby dont tease na,just a small one I am carving for that.a small one will do until I get the real one."ming pleaded.

Fine pha kissed through the phone.

"Baby I am hard what should I do "ming said.

"Don't you dare open your pants their.wait until I touch you or else you wont be touching me for a week."pha said

"No baby no I cant live please na"ming pleaded
"Did you eat" pha asked.

"Ya before I get on plane.what about you ?"ming asked

"Yes, beam and kit accompany me"

Fine.before ming say anything plane started to shake  ming hit his head to side door.ouchh he shouted.

"Ming what happen "pha was shouting

"Nothing I think plane just shakes and I hit my  head to the door."

"Gos ming are you ok."

"yes baby."

"Sir,"co pilot shouting and came to ming,PGA is still on line and ming is asking" what happen."

"Engine failed,sir,we have to get down with parachute "
"But we are above ocean na" ming asked.
"Yes sir but we have no choice the airplane will crash at anytime.i already send the signal to help.they will come.lets hurry we have no time."

"Ming ming "pha was crying a d shouting g he hear what the poloit said

"Baby ...."sir wear this pilot handed him parachute.

"I will come to you....".suddenly a big sound  of  blast heard and line was cut.

"Ming ...ming......"pha was shouting .

pha what happen beam and kit who just finished their dinner ran to pha when they hear pha's shouting.

"Pha pha  "tears are rolling from his eyes.  He was in shock he was blankly seeing the dead phone.

"Pha what happen,kit lift the phone a n d dialed to ming but there was no response."

"What happen?" beam slap hard to pha to get him to reality

"What happen ?"he shouted and shook phas shoulders



That's all he manage to say a d he was unconscious.

Pha both beam and kit shouted seeing pha who was collapsed  on the floor.

That's it for this part
What happen to ming and phas story.
Let's see in next part.

Thanks megha

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