"my enemy is my life now"

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Pha and ming both are sitting on the beach shoreline where ming lean his head on phas shoulder.
Pha was sitting his hands round his knees.

A silence was around them where no one was speaking anything
After some time ming said"  thank you pha" he was still closing his eyes  .

"What for?" pha said

For not leaving me and loving me.

"Dont be stupid ming. You are my life how come I will leave you."

"And sorry also"  and "what that for"
For trying to leave you.

"For this you will bear the consequences ."
"Like what?"

I will tell the punishment later .for now let me just enjoy your presence.

Ming round his arms around phas waist and pha hugs ming by rounding his arms around his shoulders.

Can I ask one thing ? Ming said.
"anything love." Pha replied

"How did you found about yo."

Its beam.
Beam?ming was confused.
Yes from the start beam is not convince how yo was that understandable. Because it's not just a little time he loved me .

When you started making distance from me and everytime I was sad you not letting me close to me.every time yo is their to cheer me up.practically he is spending more time with me.i never dought him.but beam was seeing him from Different angel.

Me and beam went to science department  to meet yo and ask him why you are doing all these.we though you two are close may be you said anything to him.
But what we heard  make us frozen.we two heard what yo was planning and what he did all these time to us.he was talking to his friend kat.I was stunned.

Beam drag me to food court.i was very mad at you for not trusting our love and mad at yo for making you feel like that .

I came to sense after what beam said
"I want you to hear that. "Beam said
What ?did you know about yo ?

Yes pha,I was not convinced how he was like that.so I dig some .I used my casanova style on a girl who is a kats girlfriend and yos partner in crime.

Kat  said everything what yo  said: to her while they are in bed.

I was first stunned because yo is a man with angel and fox character. That is what yo is." Beam said

We are planning to tell you all about yo.meanwhile all this happen.

I was stunned when he make you think about break up.so I have to reveal everything.

Thank God you are mine now.he hug ming tightly.

Ming also hug pha tightly.

I am glad that I got you and didnt loss you because of my stupidity.

Pha laugh" that's what I thought about you."

What ?

"That you are stupid. " pha said

ming sit on pha lap and round his arms on phas neck..

"What did you say ?"ming asked

"You are stupid"  pha said with smillie

"yes pha ,for you only" ming added

"And asshole " pha continued

"For you only" ming smiled

"And and my enemy,  trying to kill me with your stupid love" pha continued

"So you dont want this enemy who is going to kill you. Ming hover his lips over phas" and said seductively

Pha smile ,"well now this enemy became my life how come I live without him. "

"My enemy is my life now."

Ming laugh ya "my enemy is my life now."

Ming pressed his lips to pha
"Dont ever leave me though I make distance and leave you because of stupid mind."

"Never ever mr wolf.you are trapped in my cage .no way out ."pha round his arms around mings waist.

They started kissing.
its lovely one
The passionate  one
The hungry one

They are expressing their love through kiss.

They peek for the last time and hug each other.

On ther side forth is very frustrated that beam was not returning his any messages.why he dont know.

While medical camp he see beam eyeing him when he turn his gaze to beam .he went on.from that day he was avoiding me

Did he got angry that I am not meeting him.what if he knows the truth.will he accept me.huhh so many questions his brain is going to dead now.

"You should go to beam and confess your love  "
Forth was shocked to hear those words and turn to the voice .
Its park.

Park ,what did you say?

Common friend if you dont say anything that does not means we dont know how you feel for beam.

Park.? Forth was stunned
"Yes ,you love him from the start and helped him to escape from us.we k now that."
"We?" forth questioned

Ming and me but we also know that beam is straight and casanova he dont return your feelings. So we are quite.

I am sorry park" forth said
"Hey dont be.its love everything is fair in love  and war still you did not betray us.so we are cool for that."

Thanks but beam is not answering my messages now a day.may be he find a girl now.

"No no dont" park said quickly
"How come you know.? " forth asked

"He stopped his casanova style a long back .When beam went to medical camp we observed  that he stopped  everything." Park said

You cant keep this messaging all the time.Just talk to him once .may be he also likes you.

"What if he reject me?" Forthasked
"We will think about that after he reject you. first go and get him before some one snatch  him."

"Thanks buddy" forth ran to medical food court.

After beam found out that the person was forth, he was stunned because at that time he already fall for him.

He was thinking "what ifs "all this time.He avoided forth and even didnt reply his messages also.

Then pha and mings problem arise and he divert his mind to solve it.

Now everything was solved between them.but what about me.i was lonely.

why I fall for forth what if he just wants to save me.what if he did all this because he was good at heart  and dont want to see me hurt.

Huh this so frustrating.he messed his hair .its been 10 minutes  he brought food ,now it is already went cold. beam has no appetite  to eat he is just playing with it.

then he heard a sound "beam are you listening. "Hearing his name he was stunned he looked around but no one is their.it's their collage radio.

That voice" its forth."

"Beam ,this is forth .I want to say something to you."Beam was frozen in his place .

That's it for this part.
What will forth do ?
.did he win beams heart?
did beam accept forth  as his love?

Let's see it in next part.

Thanks megha.

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