save the ......cute little one

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"well pha was some what different uncle,its rare.may be  1 in one lakh will face this". beam said

"how is his condition now."plan asked.

"he was fine now but he has to take care of his health or else it is not good for baby and him."beam said

mings parents are so happy.their only son died but now they are going to get his grandson.

but phas father was not at tall accepting this new information he was in deep solve this new mystery.

when pha awake and found he was pregnant he was stunned but he was happy because its mings baby,

he decided eventually when he hear" to give birth and raise him well."

he was happy.after 3 months everyone see a small smile on his face,every one was happy,especially plan,seeing his cousin happy.

pha was discharged from hospital,beam was his personal doctor,beam know no matter what he has make that pregnancy successful because he wants to see his friend happy.

pha came to home,he see his parents,mings parents and his friend.

everyone was serious,plan sees there is a storm coming but he was silent.

when pha settled everyone asked him about his condition,pha replied with a happy little smile.

"pha, what you gonna do about that baby "phas father asked.

though pha was confused about a minute but he replied.

"i will give birth daddy" he said

"then what about marriage "he asked.

"no daddy,though ming is not here i will take care of baby as a single parent and i know i can do well."

"no pha you are not gonna do that "his father said

"what do you mean dad "pha asked.

"listen pha,you said you loved ming  though i was against but i accepted it for your happiness,but now mng is no more,so you have to abort that child and continue your life,after that see someone and eventually get married"

"dad" pha shouted

"don't raise your voice son,"his dad declared angrylly

"if you want to give birth then marry someone and give birth to that child,if not then abort it,"

"i am not risking the company future because of your greed."

"but dad,i love ming,i cant love someone,i will remain single for the rest of my life with mings mmeories."

"no" his dad shouted,i will not allow that,i will not risk of falling the company and many lives depend on it.

"if you remain single and give birth,do you know how it affect the company shares and many wolfs who are ready to take the advantage and attack us.i wont risk that."

"then i also don't compromise,i am major and i can do anything of my own" pha said confidently.

"ohh really,then i know so many ways to abort that little thing from your life,try to do what you want then you will see what i can do "he said and rushed away from room.

every one knows how phas dad is and how his temper is,when he decided god also wont mingle in his affairs,he was that cold and especially when it comes to company affairs and many lives depend on it,he will become as cold as stone while taking decision.

"Mom" pha looked for help
"I am sorry son,I cant convince your dad in this.i am sorry."
She left the room.

He looked at mings parents.
"Pha, son, I am so happy for that child.i want him as my mings last memory but you know we all know how your father is .if he was determined we cant change it.i hope you will took a wise decision."

"One thing i will say ming is no more and he wont return i don't want you to spoil your life on him.please.get a grip of yourself and think about that child."

Phas tears are flowing like that.
Every one left except pha ,beam ,kit and plan.

Everyone was angry but they know what they said is right.pha cant spoil his future or babys .he need dad one dad.single parent is not going to work all the time.

Pha has only one thing in his mind how to save baby .he knows what his dad will do.
How to save it how....think pha think...

Running is not an option  here his father has so many men .they will catch him.

"Pha calm your self "beam said.

"How beam.see how dad is talking.i want this child its mings last can I......"pha was crying.

"I know ,pha but crying is not an option here and it is not good for baby "beam said.

"I am tried "  pha said.

"Pha" plan called .everyone look at him.

"No matter what you want that child right"  he asked.

pha shook his head.

"No matter what you cant love another one in your life right" he asked again

Right pha said this time

"Then I will marry you" plan said as if it is a simple thing

"What?" everyone shouted And stand on their place.

There is a shock in everyone s face but plan he knows what he was doing.
Phas happiness is more important than everything.

That it for this part

Thanks megha

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