Love just got us

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he look at pha,you love him haa then what about me make me fall for you,all these years i waited for you.once i left you ,"thinking you deserve better ", all that concern, love you showed to me was just my misunderstanding!

when beam said you still waiting for me,i was so happy.i thought i lost you but this time i came to claim you,then also you don't tell me anything,

after waiting for you all this years you are telling me that you dont love ma and you love this ,ming.

yo ,i already told yo i don't love you.

"when?  after waiting all these years na,why didn't you tell me when i met you first time."

"that time me and ming are not in any relationship yo,"

"then just in one month you fall for him and here i am waiting for you from years."

"what does he have that i don't ?"tell me pha

"love yo, he sincerely love me. he was ready to leave me for your sake for my sake though it hurts him or even it will kill him.but you what did you do,you planned everything to break us part"

"you make everything  as coincident and made ming think that you deserve  me more than him,"

do you think  i don't know that,i just what ming to trust in my love, to trust himself .thats it.but you are succeed to make him break up with you think i will sit still and let my love go before y eyes,never yo never

wow,you know everything. i'm impressed did better acting than me from the start onwards.

"yo" this time ming speak,what is going on,is it true what pha said.

what a dumbass?you still don't get it.

i did all this,to separate both of you and to took pha with me.i make you think that i deserve him more than you,its a mind game ming,a dumb like you never understand,

but why yo,we are more than like brothers always from childhood.

no ming we are not,i just acted like that.


you ask whhhhy? huh

from childhood always every one love are good at every thing,every one compare me to you

no one care for me,no one loves me ,even my parents.they always loves you.thats why

do you remember the day when we went to picnic and accidentally drown in river.

when i wake up in hospital bed,no one is around me,everyone is crying for you,everyone is concosinling you but me not even my parents say that they are happy that i am alive but do you know what they say,ming is in this condition because of me,i don't deserve to love.

that day i made this decision that i will make you pay for every tear that dropped from my eyes,i will make you suffer double than i suffer.

i made the plan,gradually i make every one loves me,and i make you think that they dont love you .when i planted a seed successfully then it grows itself and that make you away from every one.

now every one loves me and hates you.

but when pha happen to me,i was like pure diamond.i want to be myself i didn't play any games,i loved him sincerely but at last what he did he also choose you over i again played my mind game.

i know how dumbass your are,you trust everything i say,so played well if you leave then pha will choose me.that was my plan.but my bad this one is more wise than i think,

ming was stunned and frozen with yos words,the earth is shaking under his feet.

the yo he love and adore him from childhood was not true to himself.its all a false.his head was dizzy his legs became jelly he was about to fall but pha hold him.

come to your sense ming,i know its hard to believe all this but its true,when i found out about yo i was also like you .

but this is real him everything is fake up to now, what we see now is real.

you know everything .ming asked .yo look at pha

yes ming when i learn all this i was also frozen like you,because the person i have crush,the person that i liked more is not like this,he was pure ,adorable, cute. shy and loves me alot.

wow you know more about me pha ,that's why you rejected me. yo try to stop that tears that are following,he don't want to show him weak side.

beam hold ming for sometime.

pha walked t yo,

yo, what i said about you right now i what i really think about you.

that time i was not brave enough to to accept your love and to protect you from others.i was  a coward then.a loser who cant face society that's why i let you go that time,

ming came like a cool breezin my life yo,where i made my heart freezz,i never allowed anyone to my life until ming,

but ming is special to me,i think 1000 times before i accept ming.

its not like love at first sight yo.we are enemies first.

Love does not look logic or any reasons just happen like that.

I know he was my enemy but I still fall for him.its love yo. no logic, no reasons, no explanations we sacrifice  ourself even the other one dont love us. That's what happen between us yo

yo was crying.pha turn to ming who was in beams hands.

"Ming tell him the truth". Pha said.

Ming wipe his tears and went to yo .

Yo you know why everyone love me back then because I m sick.
Yes yo,I was born with heart problem.i didn't last long if I don't get heart transplant
That's why every one love me. And care for me.

When we drown in river water my heart became so week and my condition is very critical then .luckily I get a heart transplant from a donor  and I was saved.

You are right yo, I was dumb ass but for your love yo.i can ,for you ,really.

After my surgery  everyone treats me like they do to you because  I was fine then. It's not any mind game you play just thought because of your play they treat me like that.
I dont want any sympathy  yo .that kill me many times
So i want to brave. That's it.

If you ask about pha .like pha said it happens yo we didn't plan it or we wish it happen like this.

Love just got us that's it.

Yo realised what he did until now was his fault.

He HAD both pha and ming hands.he was crying I am sorry I did lots of mistakes please forgive me yo said sincerely. this time pha and ming observe that  and hug yo.
We never hated you yo,its  just the circumstance  that made you like this

Keep in mind that we never ever think you are at fault about what happen.
Let's just forget and lead a happy life from now on

Yo return to ming please forgive me ming I am really  sorry about what I did.

No yo it's ok.lets forget all of it and start our new lives.

Everyone smile.

That's it for this part
Thanks megha

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