clear the things

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Every one went home.

Their parents leave pha and ming alone so that they have some private time.

In phas room.

Ming drag pha to his hug when he close the door."i miss you so much baby" ming hugged tightly

"Mee too "pha said.

But ming sense that something change in pha.what is that or am I just imagining things.ming snap the thoughts in his mind.

Pha left mings hug and went to bed."i am sleepy ming can I sleep" he asked.ming just nude.

Ming went to shower himself and when he come out he see pha was sound a sleep.he went down and found plan and mean kissing in the kitchen.

"Get a room For yourself" ming said

Plan looked coldly. To ming

"What ?"ming shouted.

"Better take care of pha ming he suffered a lot." plan said

"Don't tell me what to do with my love life." ming angrily shouted

Plan was about to tell but his phone ring its pha .

Pha ,
Hello he said" I need to talk to you .can i meet "he asked.

"can I go to you now."he asked" not now after ming went to his home "he said.

"Ok bye."

What is going on he thought. He looked coldly at ming and take mean to his room.

Ming get a orange juice and went to room.when he enter he see pha staring from the window outside.

"You are awake" ming asked.

"Hmmm" pha just hummed.
"Here drink this" he handed orange juice.

Pha drink it in one go .
"pha are you alright ".ming asked

"Yes why do you ask."
"Well nothing
Mom called earlier.i will go home and I meet you in the evening."ming said.

"Ok "pha said.

Something  is really wrong. pha is not this clam always.he is really thinking things.but I will wait until you clear you mind pha.he thought to himself.

Ming went to meet his mom And dad.

Plan entered the pha room .

"Plan can we talk "pha asked

"yes what is itpha ?you looked tensed.something bothering you."

"i am sorry plan on behalf of ming,he should not act like that "pha said.

"com on pha,don't be like that we all know how possessive ming is with you.he just love you so much that's it" plan said.

"i know plan,you helped me alot all this time but i ..."pha started crying.

"pha please don't be like that,he will definitely understand ,so calm now crying is not good for baby ""plan said.

"ya i know but..."

"i have a good news for you" plan said

""what is it,mean accepted my love and dad also,"

"whoooooooow that great plan,"pha said

"tomorrow we are going back,mean has exams after 2 days."

"i am really happy for you plan,he hugged plan and i am sorry for earlier" he said.

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