extraordinary "plan"

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"Yes pha, I will marry you.we can save the child"plan said

"But plan we are cousins" pha said.

"Yes but not blood related ,I am distant."

"And they will not object  that and never threat you .it was possible think." plan said

"I don't love you. not once I see you that way.i love only mean.even after marriage  I wont force you.just one year after the baby born we will get divorce and they wont do anything about that and even they don't think of harming baby."

"After that we are in our own I will be your cousin only."

"But what about mean.you love him."pha said

plan said" Yes but he wont pha.he always sees me as friend that's it."

"Then what about uncle he is against gay marriage."pha asked
"Yes I know but u will make it as  a business deal. they wont bother I will talk to your dad .I will convince him.he will think a way for that." 

"But one thing, about divorce it will be between us.no one should know about it.if they they will not agree to this."


"I wont love you plan in that romantic way." pha declared

"I know and mee to never ever think you like that pha.so no worry." plan said

"But marriage is a commitment plan dont talk like it is a joke.i value it more." pha said

Me too pha but right now we are not in a position to think about marriage and love.our main motive is to save that child.....mings last memory.

"I know how much you love him and how much he loves you.i dont want to take that position in your heart pha.it's always mings .we are just doing this for a year to save that baby."

"Plan is right pha "beam said.
"What he says is right baby is more important now.think na."

Give me some time he said and went to his room.

All the night pha think about various possibilities. But everything ends at plan only.

"Plan is s better option.he won't love me nor he expects anything from me.i can keep the baby after one year we will get divorce.and i am on my own."pha decided finally to accept plan .

Next day when plan enter phas room with break fast pha said.

"Let's do it plan ."

Plan smile he knows what pha is saying.
"But before that I want to clear something plan" pha said

Plan shook his head as go on.

"This marriage is only for saving baby."

"There will be no relationship between  us ."

"Wee are just cousins and always be like that."

Plan shook his head.

"After an year we will get divorce."

"Yes we will "plan said.

Then let's talk to dad now.

Yes but finish your breakfast first.

After that they went to phas dad and declare about their marriage.

He was shocked first and he will not accept it. He shouted at both of them.

"Dad you said I hav to married then beside ming its plan only.i will not do with any one.i you force me I will leave everyone and went on my way or else I will end my life."

"Dont threat me pha,I know you love that baby.you wont do anything like that."

"No dad you are mistaken.i love ming more .i will not give that position to anyone.ansd this child he is just months  he don't know anything.its better that he dies  "pha swallow his tears before he complete.

"We dint know if other would care about that child as their own
But I hav trust at plan he will took care of that like his own."

So now you decided" plan or no one."
Pha said angrily and went to his room.

His dad sat in the chair  while getting tears .

"What are you doing pha."

"Uncle" plan said.

"Plan i thought you are more mature.than you look."
"Yes uncle i am "he said.

"Then what is all this.do you know why i insisted and threat that my own child.you know how hard it is for me to do that but i did it to save pha."

"We have seen how he was when he know ming was gone.he will be like that all his life."

That baby is like a sunray in his dark life,he will do anything anything for it.if someone came to his life then may after 2 or 3 years he will eventually forget ming and continue is life  as normal ones.

"Yes uncle I know why you did that".plan said

"Then why plan,I know you will never in your life look pha like that as your husband."

"i want to tell you something uncle."

"Pha tried suicide for 3 times."plan said

"What?" his dad shouted "how come I don't know that."

"we kept it secret uncle.for his sake."

"If you force him like that he will eventually try that again.we cant save him all the time."

If it's me he will be ok.i will try everything to make him happy and I will bring him back to normal life.

"Then I will divorce him.then he will think wise and took the right decision.for the sake of that child."

"But plan" "  please uncle time will heal everything .it will make pha forget about ming one day. Then we will go for that option.for that child's sake."plan stressed that part.

Pha dad was thinking ."ok fine .I will accept it but what about your father.he will be against it.i know him."

"I know uncle we will offer a business deal .he wont reject either the marriage or the deal"

"And what is that ?"his dad asked.

Collaborate your pharmaceutical company with ours.

What ?
"Yes uncle my dad is going nuts with that factory it was about to  bankrupt at any time.

"You are number one in that field.you offer collaboration or some funding then he will definitely accept it.for that he has to accept the marriage.that's the deal."

"What if he will not accept. You are more important than company."

"Believe me uncle he will accept the offer.company is more than me for him.so please try it once other wise I will do something" plan said

Pha dad think that and said "yes.i will talk."

Plan took a relief sigh and went to pha and said his dad accepted his marriage.

For now they are somewhat calm.

Next day pha dad went to plans dad and make an offer no a deal.

Which plans dad accept happily. He knows that it will benefit him.

Plan smile as if he knows that his dad will take that decision.

Then everything  is set for plan and phas marriage.
But this time it was simple with family and only selected media is allowed.

Will this work
That it for this part.

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