i marked you

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Now officially  ming, pha and forth ,beam are boyfriends .
The videos of pha and ming was like viral on social media.

Yo went to London after finally saying his sorries to ming and pha.

Pha ,beam sometimes visit eng food court to accompany ming,forth where sometimes.mIng,forth visit.

Pha tell beam that they visit eng food court on alternative days because if they both went kit will be lonely.he make sure that kit did not feel lonely or as a third wheel .

Where as ming and  forth didn't care about park because they know lam will accompany him anyway..

Life is going as easy as possible.now 2 departments wont fight for no reason.though basketball game is on anyway.

They fought like professionals where pha, ming don't leave a chance when ever they have to make love.

After the basketball match they make some makeout session in dressing g room until beam disturb them."God, beam why are you here early just go for forth na.he is waiting."ming was angry that beam disturb his sweet moment

"Idiots,everyone is waiting their just finish it and come out fast."beam shouted and went out.
Pha, ming laugh.

next week both departments  have exams so they wont disturb other.only calling and chatting if necessary.

After a week exams are over.all went to drinking party.

Ming was  so  serious about pha.he know how ambitious pha is
..he want to reach pha .he want to provide everything for him.  He took all the exam again where he get just b and c grades.

They was happy with their relationship also.one week ming spend at pha where next week pha spends at mings.

one day Pha, beam and kit are at food court after class.suddenly a car stopped at court.

"pha pha" beam shouting
"What?" he diverted his gaze to beams and was shocked .his 2 brothers are their.

"Bro ,what are you doing here?" pha shouted.

Pha hugged both of them
".happy birthday baby boy." pha laugh.
Thanks bros

suddenly a hand drag pha to a corner.before pha realise its was ming,ming already started kissing him.

every one was stunned,especially pha brothers .beam and kit was frozen in their places as they cant understand what was going on.

pha is trying to push ming,but ming is too stubborn he hug pha tightly and started kissing again.pha see both his brother from the corner of the eye who are standing just a tsunami hit them hard.finally pha manage to push ming away.

he shouted" ming what are you doing?"

"you didn't tell me its your birthday today,so its a punishment that i kissed you before everyone."

"huhhhmmm  from when the punishments are this sweet ?"pha laugh slightly .ming close the distance between them,his lips are just an inch away from pha.pha forget that his brothers are witnessing them.well i prepare a gift for you.

"what is that?" pha questioned when did not see any gift pack in mings hands.

well ming went to phas ears and whispered "you are mine,by this ,the whole world know that".before pha ask what is that,ming started licking ,biting and sucking on phas sensitive part on his neck,pha automatically closes his eyes and hold mings jacket feeling the pleasure that ming was giving him.

after some time ming smiled to pha,"there you go,its my mark,you are mine forever ."

both laugh until beam interrupt them.

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