insecurities and break up

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That night ming and pha went to dinner in phas car.

Both are so lovely dovey.pha I got this for you ming handed Rose's to pha.
Wow Rose's I love it.thanks ming.

Let's "what do you want to eat"

"Hmmm I want to eat your taste of food so order what you like" pha says.

Ming place the order and they are talking happily.

Order came .how is it? Ming asked

Pha taste it and said it was tasty.i like it.ming was happy that pha likes what he order.

Hi ming ,hi pha
A voice heard .

"Hi yo , what are you doing here?" ming asked.

I came with friends.there they are.i see both of you.

Having a date huhhhh

Ming and pha smile.want to join us.
No I dont want to disturb your date.carry on.

Suddenly yo shouted

Pha you dont like pasta right, why are you eating this.that to it looks so cant handle spice food.

Mings faced was dropped and it was sad.pha observe mings face

Yo it's I like it.because its mings favrouit.

Pha smile.

Yo come here a voice heard.i hav to go.

Bye bye

Ming was sad.
Pha if you dont like pasta then you hav to say it.why do you eat.

Pha laugh,he hold mings hand.

Ming look at me.It's right I dont like pasta but now I like it.

Why ?

Because you like are my world ming,what you like is what I like

Ming I want to be with you my whole life,then why do differentiate about our likings and others.
Its not like i hate back days i dont like it that's it.tastes can change ming.

Though ming was happy but their is a small sad feeling . That last sentence made ming think twice.

Ming can you feed me ahhh pha open his mouth

Ming smile sweetly and feed pha.he can sense that pha is not convincing him.he is very sincere about what he says.he was happy that pha is a part of his world.

But yo was unhappy that his plan failed.

Next day ming cant make to lunch .he texted pha that he has class.

"Ok ming let's meet for dinner "pha texted.
"Ming I miss you alot" pha again texted

Meet to pha." Ming replied

Ming was smiling .
forth and park exchange looks.
"Park where that rude angry arrogant ming who is our friend." Forth askdd

"May be he is missing from some days" park said.
Should we compliant in police.
Nahhhh the one who is present is a need to bring him back .

yah I agree

After 10 minutes ming was tag in yos time line.

"Having lunch with med prince."yo posted along with photos.

Ming see the comments that are they look good together like are you two couple

He was sad.ming dont mind the comments.they dont know about you two forth try to convince

Ya ming smile lightly but his heart was hurt.

The in securities are increasing day by day.

Though pha always choose him but there is a small feeling that yo is correct for pha.

Ming try to be so perfect for pha.

yo was always between them but to the vierws its just a coincident.

ming started making distance to pha,there is always an excuse.

pha was fed up with this.ming is not even talking to him in phone.just a simple message.

ming think that if he made distance with pha,may be he return to yo who is perfect for him.but beeing away from pha was hurting so much.he always follows pha but pha dont know that.

Yo knows that ming is following pha secretly,so he try to show how good he is with pha also care about him.

Pha pov

It's been a week ming talk to him properly.

We are sitting on food court.beam was observing pha from week
He was sad and ming is no where near.

We heard a shout its forth

Pha ,ming needs you .come on

We all rush to where ming is fighting with some science students.

"Ming what are you doing stop it."he shouted.

Ming stops fighting and looks at pha.

You promise you wont do it.why are you doing this.

Ming forcefully stop the tears that are ready to flow and shouted

"Get the help out of here. Ans mind your own business " ming shouted
What? pha shouted.

Dont you hear ?get the hell out of my life.i am fed up with you and this relationship.i dont want you any more.

Every one was stunned about what ming was saying except one who was smiling and created this all drama.

Ming dont do this pha was almost crying.

Mings voice soften when he see pha was about to cry. better be with someone who suits you pha
And who is that this time beam asked

Like yo. So let's break up .
You choose yo and it will be good to aall.

"Dont tell me what is good for me"
Pha shouted.
Every one was stunned by his loud voice even kit and beam never ever heard pha this serious and that loud.

Pha caught mings teary eyes,he guess what is happening to .ming

Fine ming let's break up.i am also fed up with all this.lets go back to what we really are.

This time ming was hurt and tears are flowing from. His eyes like floods.his heart was crushed to 2 pieces.

That's it for this part
Will they really break up?
Will yos plan work to separate ming and pha

Thanks megha

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