tulips of love

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"Beam ,listen me carefully.this song is for you." Listen it carefully and know what my heart wants.

He sing the sb5 spark song./* just imagine that forth alone sing this song for beam*/

Every one in the university clapped once it was finished.

Beam was stunned, ice frozen like crystal in his position.

Forth came to beam with tulips.

Forth came to beam with tulips

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"Beam ,beam. he wake up beam from frozen state."

"Huhhhhh"  Forth what?

"I love you beam will you be my boyfriend."


Beam is awake but his brain is still frozen.he is not at all registering  what was happening.


Forth signed.

He placed the tulips on the table and drag beam by his waist..

He placed a hand on beams nap and kissed him lightly.

"Yes forth  " beam was nodding absentmindedly

"Are you listening" forth asked

Yea forth

I ......love.......you

Did you hear that.forth was confirming.

Beam just node

"Will... you ..be ...my ..boyfriend " forth asked by stressing every words so that beam would register that in his mind.

Beam just node

Dont node ,just say it.

Beam checks are blushing with pink dust.

"Yes forth, I will" he finally says.

Good he releases beam.now take this flowers.these are your favorite  right.
Beam just node.

Leta go we hav a date now.

Both walked out of food court.

forth just make beam walk to the gate because beam was still frozen.

Both are sitting on a coffee shop.
There is no change in beams expression. He was looking at forth that he witness something strange.

Forth tiles his head from right to left.
After 5 mins "beam have your coffee. "
Beam just node and siped the coffee immediately he jump from his seat because it was hot , no super hot and he burn his lips and tongue.

"Ahhhhhh its hot "beam shouted.

Forth smile  .here take this .he gave a glass of water.But still the burning sensation  is their.

"Are you fine. "Forth asked

You ordered super hot coffee asked me to drink and after I burned myself you are still asking.

"Is it still burning" forth asked,
"Yes  "beam drink another glass of water..

Forth walk to the beams side .
What ? Beam asked

Forth lean over the table ,grab  beam color and lightly lift beam and pressed his lips to beam.

Beam tried to say something ,as he open his mouth forth take that opportunity  and he started licking beams tongue.

Beam mesmerised by this act but closed his eyes and enjoys it.he stands from his seat and forth drag him by his waist and pressed his body.

They forget they are in coffee shop .every one was stunned by this bold act.

Both release each other to get some oxygen .both, are looking into each other.

"Is it cool now."forth asked.

"Yes" beam replied.they are still holding  each other. Then they hear a shout from their next table when they look at that direction they are stunned

Did you see that. you never ever kissed me like that when my tongue  burn when I drink coffee or tea. A girl spill all the coffee on the man sitting before her.i hate you the girl scolded him and went out of coffee shop.

Beam and forth laugh.
/* the secret is forth passed a cool candy  to beams mouth when he was kissing.thats why it was cool.

Poor girl, don't tell her any thing*/

And they separate from each other and feel embraced. Both run from the coffee shop while smiling and look at each other.

They went to han river and sit.

Its was almost night.all the lights are dazzling over the streets.

"Did you mean what you say" beam asked forth.

"Yes, beam I love you a lot  and I want to be with you forever.be my boy friend."

Why ? Beam asked

"because I fall for you deeply and it's too late to step back. if it's not also I will not back off." Forth said smilingly

"From when ?" Beam enquired

"From day 1 when I see you in the university on our first day of university. " forth confirmed

"But you didn't say anything." Beam questioned

"Because your are straight and casanova. more over you hate me  because I am an engineering  student.

"So I was secretly loving you from back then."

"Then ,why now? " beam asked agajn

"Because its impossible for me to control after i know what you feel for me.i mean you also love me." Forth said

"When did I tell you that." Beam enquired

"I know your heart beam ." Forthsaid

"Really" beam said

"Fine look straight to my eyes and say you don't like me then I will go and never ever appear  in front  of  you. " forth said

Beam look straight to forths eyes.he was sincere.

"If you back off "before beam finish his sentence forth said" that will never happen."

Beam laugh ."so boyfriend, when are we going on a date."

Both laugh and hugged each other.

That's it for this part
Thanks megha

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