a little romance

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next day, even sotus events ended very early since its week end.seniors want to give some relax time to their juniors since they worked hard all the week.juniors are so happy that they can relax all the week end.

Med camp was also closed.everyone went home.

Ming was doing some work and he didn't realise that it was already dark.
When his work is over he was relax and see the darkness.

Ohhhh its already 9 I should go.

When he was leaving he see the light in medical camp.

Who will be here at this time.
When he see phana searching something in camp he was surprised.

"Phana, what are you doing here"   ming enquired

"Huhhhh you scared me ming "  phana placed a hand on his heart.

Well sorry I just want to know.

Huh...I lost my phone.i don't know where I put it.i am searching for it.
Ohhhh did you dialed .yea

I think battery was low it was switch off.
ok I will call

Ming called phanas phone it ringed again but it was switch off and they didn't find it.

Then they hear a  sound outside.
When they  peek through a hole they see 10 masked man.
"Hey silent if ming here's he will escape.he was alone we can beat him to death."one of the masked man said to other

"Those scumbag" ming try to go out but pha stops him.
"Not now ming.come let's go.,"  phana  grab mings hand and drag him to other building rooftop
From their they can see how those masked man are searching each class for ming.

"Pha I can beat them why you drag me here."ming asked pha

Because we both have no energy and they are 10 men.its the better option now.

You... you.... ming was little surprised,you will fight for me.
Of Course how I  will leave you ?.
Mind sit beside phana.

"You are something different pha..its getting hard for me to understand you."ming said smillingly

"Then don't make effort." pha said silently

"But I want to know more about you." Phana look straight to mings eyes after what mings says.
What do you mean.?pha ask

I what to know what you are really. ming said
Why? pha enquired

Well I kind of started something towards you in my heart.i never felt like that to anyone.

I know we were enemies back but now I want to be friends with you.
I want to be close with you.

I want to know more about you.
I want  me  be the only one you should see.

While saying all these thing ming started to get close to phana.

Pha ,who was so surprised by mings statements .but he also feels the same towards ming.
He also want to know who ming was really to him.what his heart wants.

When ming started to close the distance between them suddenly rain started.

Both ran to next room .but their cloths are wet .

A tension started to raise between them.there is a heat in their bodies which wants to be touched by other.

but they are not brave enough to close the distance between them.

Right at the moment they hear the sound of masked man coming towards them.

They both hide under the table.
Though masked man searched the room because of darkness he didn't see the neither ming nor phana.

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