what happen?

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every one was so sad about ming death.

i am sorry for that but here ming is back.hope i can see the happy comments this time.


Let's see what happen on the plane after the call to pha was cut.

Before ming say anything the front part of the plane blast and mings phone drop from his hand and call cut.

The pilot and copilot rushed ming and push him to the entrance to jump.

Before they jump the plane crashed and they were thrown away.

Ming pov.

When that hit me to a far place the only thing on my mind is pha, his face.

"am I gonna die.what will happen to pha."

"God please give me a chance i want to take care of pha " I prayed.

Phas smiling face illustrate  before me I try to touch it and said I love you pha.then I hit the oceans cold water and I was unconscious.

When I open my eyes I was at a house.

I try to remember what happen.but I cant move.my hand and left leg are bandaged.i think i hurt them.

"Water ..water ...I am so thirsty" I called for water.

A little boy came and feed me some water.then he called his elders.

Some people came and asked me "how I was."

I have no energy to speak.they feed me something and they gave me some medicine.i went to sleep  again

When I open my eyes next time.i have some energy and try to sit.someone helped me.

I asked "where am I."

"You are in an island".

"where are the pilots." I asked.

"They are fine but they also have some injuries ."

"What happen actually" I asked.

"Well we heard a loud blast sound and see the plane was crashing .then we see 3 of you hitting the water.Our elders came and saved 3 of you."

"All are severely  injured so we cast you."

"How many days "I asked.

"Well it's been 2 months."he said.

I was stunned 2 months.

pha what happen to pha. God why this happen.

"Phone, hand me a phone "I asked.

"I am soory "he said

"We dont use technology here.this island is in the middle of the ocean where there is no communication  to outer world.we dont even use the technology here.we uss old methods for everything."

God then how to contact with the outer world.

He just sign "there is no way."

I cant walk .what to do.

"It takes 1 month to get me well and walk.all the time I was thinking and pha
I miss him so much.what to do."

Then the pilots rushed to me.

"Sir we got a way to get out from this place."he said.

"What? how?" I asked.

"There is ship that goes afar from this island in every week.we hav to reach that place and wait for the ship and we will ask help."he said ."how.?" i asked confusedly.

"Well we will build a boat .in 4 days the ship will sail to that place. We will wait in boat for the ship and we will ask help."

"Is that even possible the "copilot asked.

"Yes I said.we will make."

We talked to the main man of the island and asked for the help.
They immediately agreed and we started building boat.

After 4 days we thanked each and every person an the island and went to ocean and waited for the ship.we lasted for half a day on the boat then we see the ship.immediately we hash the red flag and asked to help us.

They helped us.we are on ship now.in 2 days the ship will sail to my place.

"I am coming pha.just little time.wait for me."

On other side.

Pha and plans marriage date was fixed after 2 days.in a small church
With plans and phas parents and beam and kit.

Ming's parents refused to come because they cant see pha beside another one..though they give their blessing s to pha.

Plan finally went to mean to tell about his marriage with pha. Though mean smiled but he was not happy.

All these 3 months he learn that he loves plan so much but he still denied it.

But when plan told about his marriage he was stunned.he don't know what to do.

He was thinking always what to do.
Plan again went on with his marriage plans where he is not aware of means feelings at all.

2 days .....4 lifes...everything was on stack.

Pha---- who was just thinking about ming and baby......

Ming ------who has no idea about phas situation but happy that he will meet him again.........

Plan ------who has no idea about means love to him but just thinking about phas situation and helping him............

Mean---- who love plan very much but hesitate to admit  his feelings and took a brave move .............

What happen to these 4 kids after 2 days..

Let'see in next part
Thanks megha

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