a little show for everyone

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Pha and ming are so happy. As of their parents and friends.

Engagement is celebrated as just a simple function with family and friends and closed ones.

Ming wants it as big one .he wants to tell all the world that this beauty is his so that every one is jealous and wont make any move.

day by day ming was being so possessive.pha can feel it but at the same time he knows how much ming loved him.

pha persuades him that marriage will be a big one after one year after his studies complete.

Since pha is studying he don't want unnecessary attention and disturbance in his studies.he knows how big the collaboration of 2 business tycoons with family knot.and that too supporting a gay marriage of big families was really a big news for those.he don't want media to disturb him.

Still the news went viral on social media and other media .only the selected media is allowed for engagement. So everyone is trying to get the news.

Pha has to stop for a week to go to classes since the media is around the college trying to get his information.

And beside mings possessiveness is hard to control.one day a junior came to phana.its his birthday and he give chocolate to pha.but was a wrong timing that ming came at the same time to get pha for a date.

He beat the shit out that guy who gave chocolate to pha."how dare you made a move on what is mine."it was hard for pha to control ming.

One week pha didn't talk to ming for that.it was a hell for ming

He said sorry so many times but pha know if he easily forgive him it will become an habit for ming to beat other .so he wants ming to realise his mistake.

Ming knows pha is his.he trusted pha more but he wont trust other who wants his pha. He knows what he did is wrong but his love for pha is more than anything .

Finally after a week he go to that student and said sorry before everyone.he didn't feel it as shame because he know he is wrong and beside phas happiness ,he dont see anything.it was hard to stay away from pha.

That night pha assured ming that how much he loves him.though ming knows that he still feel insecure .that's why he wants his marriage as a grand celebration before everyone .

One day ming went to phas university to get him after the classes.he was waiting for pha at university gate.with in 5 mins when the class was about to over he see how the crowd is gathering at university gate.he thought may be some one important is coming so everyone gathered because he see flowers ,chocolates, gifts in everyone's hand.

When the class was over and pha was coming out of class ming saw him.he waved his hand and pha returned happily.but his hand was hung in air only when the students are approaching pha with the gifts they have.

Pha was politely rejecting them and he has his eyes on ming only.the angry expression on ming face made pha worry.the last thing he wants to see is mings worry face.last time something like this happens ,he didn't talk to ming for a week which was just a hell for him..and he don't want to repeat that again.

So he rejected every one and hurriedly run to ming
He see how ming was angry about the students who are approaching him.he was worried.

"Ming, ming look at me" pha asked
"Let's go from here please."pha was worried that ming might do something .

The worried tone of pha make ming look at him.he knows what pha was thinking but he cant control himself when someone approaches him.

He smiled at pha.

"Dont worry I wont do anything "he assured him

Pha smiled and about to enter the car but ming stopped him.

"Baby just a minute I want everyone know who you belong to so that no one approach to you and dared to dream of you."ming said

Pha was confused with mings words .before pha prosesses what ming say ming drag pha to his embress and kissed him.

Pha smiled.and lock his arms around mings neck and kissed him hard.
For those who came and witness the little show was stunned.everyone was heartbroken

They have admitted that the the beauty they admire ,the character they respect and the heart they love is already belongs to someone's.

Ming can feel how the heart glasses shuttered to pieces.he can hear the sound of them breaking
He smiled satisfied and kissed pha more.

After they broke the kiss he turn to other.

"Guys I know this is sad.but the person here is already mine"He was smiling and said.

"We are engaged" .Both showed their rings.

"so please i don't want others to eyes what is mine.please spread the news and never come to him.because what is mine is always mine and i dont appreciate when someone wants to stnatch it."his tone was angry this time.

every one feared when they here that."so please stay away from him."he smiled again

He turn pha and opened the passenger seat door to get him in.he round around the car and about to set in driver seat before that he looked at everyone with angry expression.

every one legs are already shaking just by ming's voice and his look make make everyone to feel that they should run for their lives.

Both went on for his date.

"Ming ,do you hav to do that before everyone." pha asked when he sit in the car.

"Baby last time when I beat, I see how angry you are and I dont want to face that again .

So i said simply to others that you are mine."pha laugh and hug mings left arm and placed his head on mings shoulder.

I love you baby pha said.

Me too baby ming kiss pha hair.

That's it for part
Thanks megha

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