meeting devils

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After a hot fucking session. Both  are relaxing in each other arms.

Pha what you want to become.

A top class heart surgeon.
How much time will it take  ?ming enquired

"What is with the question s in the morning" pha asked.

I just want to plan our future.
Oh,then now I am in 3rd year. Plus 2 years  to become doctor and 2 years for it takes for years. Total 4

What about you.?

Well after 1 year my engineering  completed I was planning to start a company of my own
It takes 2 years to stabilise that.
That means total 3 years right.

"Ya.mine 4 and yours 3.
Let's go with you. After 3 years we will get engage and after an year we will do our marriage.
How about that." Pha was exiccited

Baby before that we should convince our parents about us.

"You are not nervous about it" pha asked.

Hell ya but no matter what I cant loose you.i am the only son so my father will object that  .but I am confident I will convince him.

How come,because I am his weakness.he will accept eventually.

What about you.? Ming enquired
My brothers already approved you.they will help me convincing them.

"You want me to come along. "Ming offered his help.

"when it's time I will tell."pha hugged ming.

Time passed quickly.

Ming completed his studies and started a new company though his father object and asked to join him but he convinced him.

He names it as" mp inc.."

When his father asked" why mp" he said it's feels that his love. With him.

When he see PHA in the opening ceremony  he has hunch but he didn't say anything.

Ming worked hard to make it success other side pha completed his degree and started specialization.

When he was in first year of specialization they both decided to get engaged.

"Ming let's go to my house this week end.I want to introduce to to my family." Pha said after hot fucking

"Are you sure about it "ming asked.

"Yes,I hav waited so long but I want to get engage now.Let's do it."

Fine.He see pha was some what sad.

"What is it love ?you look sad."

"I am afraid. will they accept or not."

"I am here dont worry I will make them accept me. ok." Ming assured him

Pha informed his family that he will visit this week end with his boy friend.

Pha parents are angry
They are not open minded.when they asked about this to his 2 brothers they acted like they dont know.they are not ready to face his angry father alone.they are waiting for pha and ming.If time they will support them.

Pha,ming both are standing before phas house.

"Tensed "ming asked
"¥Little bit."ming hold phas hand "baby look at matter what I will never leave you."

"what if they object.will you take me away and marry me."pha questioned

Ming laugh,"no if they object I wont marry you."
Pha was little shocked.what he asked.

"I will convince them and marry you.if it takes a life time to convince them then I will do that.but never marry you with out their blessing."

They are our parents. though they are angry right now about our decision but it's their love for us that was making them to reject it.thats ok.if they convinced that I will love you and took care of you more than them then eventually they will bless us.

Tell me "if they object, then your love for me will reduce." Ming asked

"No, never .until my last breath I will  love you."pha replied.

"I will convince them trust me "ming hugged.a tear escaped from phas eyes.

Both are unaware that 2 pair of eyes are watching them.

Both went into the house.they see both their parents on couch with angry expression.

"Mom dad I am home."pha said.

They just node.

Dad ,mom" this is ming,"he introduced.

Ming politely greet them.
"Come and sit" dad said to both of them.

"What is your name again ?"dad asked.


What ming?

"Ming danapanchaya"

As in

Yes,then Rick

He was my father.ming remember  the conversation with pha's brother in collage .

"Why do we approve you mr ming for pha." Pha dad ben started his enquiry

:Because I will make him happy till my last breath. "

What about you pha?
"I love him .please  accept us.give your bleegings to us."pha pleaded

Ben make a phone call and shouted.

"I am sharing my location.get tour ass here with in 10 mins with your love of the life.or else i will cut you into pieces and feed my fishes,."

Bothming and pha look each other.

A silence ,along silence until they here the helicopter  sound.

after 10 mins of landing,a man rushed to the house cursing phas father.  "what the fuck is so urgent tthat you call mee immediatly here.i swear i will kill you one day if you often do this"

pha get up and stuned to see the cursing man.

ming dont hav to see who that is since from born he knows whose voice is that.its his father rick.

"hey you are pha right .wht are yo doing here",rick asked

pha was silent and dumb like he dont know how to talk,

hey  ricks words wre slowly came out of his mouth when he see his own son beside pha.

hi dad.

what is going on here?rick put both his hands in his pockets and stare a cold stare to both of them.

"ming can we run away and do our marriage." Pha whispered with out this lips moving

"i already told you i cant run marathon with high speed."ming whispered

"hey my father dont know how to chase,we are safe if we run," pha assured

"but not my dad love,he is just like a lion once he set the prey .there is no way to escape."ming said

both gulp the saliva,though they know their throats are already dry.

now both the fathers stand side by side with both hands on their pocket and mother stand side by side while folding their hands before their chest.

all the eyes are throwing a cold stared to bo the couple before them.

"care to explain".rick said calmly but both sence a horror in that voice.

thats it for this part

thanks megha

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