another twist

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Beam hurriedly check pha.he is in shock. They tried to wake him but no he didn't wake

They take pha  to hospital. And informed his parents and mings parents.

They hurried to hospital and see beam and kit at looby.

Beam "what happen ?"phas mea asked.

"We don't know aunty he was talking in phone with ming suddenly he shouted  and was now unconscious. "

"Uncle" he turn to mings dad "before pha collapse he say ming... plane...... crash" that's it.

"We tried to mings phone but it is out of reach. Pha said he went to  solve a problem in Rancho factory.can you check please." Beam said

Mings mom collapsed  "ming "she shouted.

Pha mom came and hug her "don't get scared nothing is confirmed she assured her."

Both fathers used all their influence to get what happen and both collapsed when they know  the flight was blasted over the ocean  .before the blast they send the exact position n and asked help.but when they reached they didn't see anyone and all flight parts are their burning.

Phas father send his personal team to check everything. The team even searched the burning parts of the flight but they didn't get anything.But they return empty hands.

Every one was stunned.its like someone squeezed all the energy from their bodies.

"Ming is no where, pha is unconscious."

"What is happening to our family.?"

Next day pha open his eyes and see both parents who was crying with their eyes but smiling with lips.

When he recalled about the mings call.

"Ming..... ming...
where is he ?"pha was shouting.

"Pha calm down."mea said

"No I want to see ming .get him here. no I will go to him."pha was just like a historical person. he was throwing everything.its hard to control they called the doctor and he give seductive to calm him.

"Ming..min..min come to me " pha fall asleep.

Every one was crying like hell.

"Uncle any news about ming" beam asked.

"The flight was collapsed because of engine failure
They did send signal when the search team went there found is still going on but no good news" he said.
"What should we do. ?"Beam asked again.

We dont know.its been 3 days when ever pha open his eyes he acted like historical so they give sedative to calm him

About ming no news .they stopped searching may be they died in blast or they drown in ocean. Since it is middle of the ocean  they search in water as possible.but still they cant find any one.

They decided ming was dead in plane crash.its hard to accept but still they cant do anything.

After 5 days pha was up but he was so weak.he was a little calm .

"Ming ming "he continuously  speaking.

They tell what happen  to pha but before that they take doctors advise.

Pha was silent.silent as hell.he never talk to anyone.never even cry .doctors said it is just that pha  should cry otherwise he will disturb his health.

Every one tried but no pha was silent.he keeps himself in a room and locks it.

It's been 2 months there is no news about ming.every one lose Hope's.

Pha  is still the same .but beam insist him to get out of room.though he was out he never talks,never eats.nothing he was like a silent doll.he tried to take his life 3 times its lucky some one came at time.

Phas cousin plan came to look after pha.he was always over protective of pha.

Ming has to face 3 blows on his face before he accept ming for pha.he was that protective

About plan

plan was phas cousin. plans parents  never ever care about him.he always carves for love,that's when pha came.he became friends with plan.both are like more than brothers.

Plan was an ic student where pha took medicine,but still they are in contact every day.

plan has a love story.he loves a mere college student mean.mean was poor in wealth but he is a good guy always defends friends  and supports them.

when they first met they always fight but eventually plan learn that he like mean.then his love grow.but  mean was so confused about his attraction to wards plan,he was never a gay or bi,so he cant accept plans love and asked to be friends but plan rejects to be friends and go away from mean.meanwhile plans father know about plans love story.he was so cruel he never wants a gay son in his family,plans father blackmail plan that he will ruin means life and his family.

plan think that he would go far away from mean and his family,then he hear phas wedding,he plan to go to pha until his hearts settles and then he will think about what to do next

when he enters the city,the first thing he hears is pha was in hospital,he rushed to hospital and almost make hospital upside down when pha was not waking,he was calm when pha gain consciousness but seeing his condition he thinks its better pha should in seductive.

when he enters the city,the first thing he hears is pha was in hospital,he rushed to hospital and almost make hospital upside down when pha was not waking,he was calm when pha gain consciousness but seeing his condition he thinks its better pha sh...

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About plan ends here.


One day plan found pha unconscious on the floor.he called beam

Everyone gathered at looking anxious

Beam came out and signed

"What happen ?"

"I dint know whether it is good news or bad uncle but ..but.." beam was hesitating to tell.

"what is it son please tell me. "phas father ask

"pha was pregnant uncle"beam said

what?every one was stunned.

how is it possible,he was a guy how is pregnancy possible "same question asked everyone.

that's it for this part

thanks megha

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