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After a week both ming and pha went to their house.Every one was their to welcome them.

"How is the baby "both parents asked.
"Fine moms and dads." Pha asked

"I am sad" pha pouted
"Why baby?" ming hug him.
"Everyone is asking about the baby
No one cares about me."

"I am here na baby.dont mind them" ming kissed pha lips.

"Come I hav a surprise for you."ming drag pha to top stairs.

"Well baby we dont know who will be comming in our lifes so I prepared for both.hope you like it. "

"What are you talking ming." Pha questioned

Ming open the big room with one side decorated for girl and other side for boy.

"Do you like it."ming asked

"Wow baby its awesome. "Pha became kid and started playing with toys.

"Baby those are for kids."ming said.

"I know ,you also care only for baby not me" pha started crying.

Hey hey come here he drag pha to another roo..

"This is for you." He showed another room.The room is decorated with their photos and lot of toys .

"Oye ming is this really for me ,"pha asked
"Yes baby."

Ming hold pha "baby I know how this will be.i will be their with you.dont worry ."ming hugged him.

Time passes like high speed train.

"Pha let me get you that "ming gave the fruit bowl to pha who is try to get it with his 9 months stomach.

Ming went to room to get pillows for pha...

Ming....PhA shouted.

Ming ran and see pha was in labour.

"Baby ,what happen ?"

"I think its time...,"PhA said while the pain is really killing him.

Ming drove to hospital .mean while he called beam and other family members.

Beam was waiting with stretcher other side.
He takes pha immediately to operation room.

Before he go ,ming hold beam

"Beam, pha will be ok "he asked.

Beam tapped mings shoulder."nothing to worry I am here dont worry."

After 10 minutes operation started. And about an hour later they here the baby cries.

Beam came out.

"Ming congratulates it's a boy."he said.
"How is pha "he asked.
"He is an hour we will send him to room.dont worry"
Every one who are waiting for the good news are relieved after what beam said.

After hour in the room

Pha was shifted to room.ming ran to him and hold his hand.he didn't see baby at all even though the nurse is asking him to see.

All their parents everyone was stunned what they see the how beautiful the baby is.

Pha open his eyes slowly and see ming who was holding his hand.

"Ming "pha called slowly
"Pha how are you are you ok."he called beam.

Beam came and do some check up and said everything is ok.

Ming smiled.
"Baby how is it."pha asked.
"I didn't see.we should see at once I was waiting for you to wake up.
It's a boy let's see."ming said excitingly

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