a new enemy born

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Next day ming was in deep thought.pha sence something is wrong.

"You are in a deep thought something bothering you" pha asked ming

Yes pha ,I was thinking about wayo.
How should I tell him about us.

I will talk to him first. Pha said


Wayo came to where they are sitting and talking.

Wayo notice there is something going on between ming and pha.

After some chitchat,"ming can you bring us some drinks." Pha said

Ok,ming went to get some.

Yo was a little surprise when ming went to get drink because he know ming from childhood^he never listen to other untill the other is a closed one.

When did pha become that close to ming.Ming share everything to him.he never mention pha.Why I am having a bad feeling about it.

Wayo,pha called.
Yo snapped out of his thoughts.
Yes pha
I need to tell you something.
Yes pha tell me.

Pha heshitate for sometime
Yo assure him to tell anything.

"Wayo, I am sorry"
What is this about pha.
I cant return your feelings .i moved on from my past and I already have someone to share my future.

I am really sorry about everything.i should hav told you this before .

It's ok pha.i sense that you are not into me now.but like last time I dont want to run away before I try.so I tried .last night when I was about to kiss I felt that you hav gone far away from me.

I am really sorry yo.
It's fine pha.i...just....a tear fall from his eyes.
Pha hold the yos hand to comfort him just then ming came with drinks and see their holding hands.

He felt a bit of insecure about it
He gone from their.

"Who is the one you love pha "yo asked.

Dont get mad yo "its ming"
What ?
Yes please ,until last night we didnt understand what we feel for each other.pha told the whole story to yo.
Dont misunderstand ming. Pha pleaded

It's ok pha I understand .I am not going into your relationship. So
It's ok.

thanks yo.dont mind. Na.

Well I will go.i hav some work.

Bye pha
Bye yo

"Where is this ming ?why is he not back."pha called ming.
Where are you.?
Comming ,did yo gone?
Yes ming ,come here

Ming came with drinks .and sat behind pha.
I told everything to yo.he was so understandable.he praised more about yo how he matured after all this time.Ming smiled bitterly but a sting is hurting in his heart.

"Why did I feel this insecure." A seed of insecurity started to grow in mings heart

"Ming, are you ok"pha asked
Yes,ming tried his level best.to smile and show he was ok.

Pha hold mings hand drag him to a open place near the beach where their is no one.

"Pha ,what are you doing" before ming could say something pha crashed his lips to ming.
Ming was a little surprised but he return a not just a kiss he wants to say how much he loves pha

Pha felt the difference but he closed his eyes and enjoy it.ming hug pha tightly like some one will snatch him .pha rapped his hands around ming and hugged him tightly..

2 eyes with venom,with hurt feeling were seeing them.you will pay for this.both of you.that man whispers and gone from their

Ming "yo shouted "
Can I talk.
yes yo ,what is this about.
I heard everything from pha..you love pha.

Yo.. I...I...just tell me ming I need to hear it from you.
Yes yo I love pha.
I realised those feelings but when you said you love him.then I went to back off but pha said he loves me.

Yo I am sorry.
It's ok ming.i know you for years.i know that feeling of love.ming hug yo.are we still brothers.

Dont be silly. Yo hug him back yes we are brothers until pha is mine yo whisper to himself

At food court,pha kit and beam are having lunch when suddenly ming appear before them.

Before beam could say any thing ming kiss pha lips.how was the day? Baby

Kit and beam choke their food and stand from their places.

What is happening here.
Beam ,kit meet my boyfriend ming

Hi guys" ming waved his hand

Sorry beam kit,I know it's late that I didnt say anything to you guys but I love him

"Pha ,are you sure about it."
Yes beam .then fine.if you are ok.

Hey ming,we will be watching you.better be good to him are else you will be no where on earth remember.
Ming laugh.
Ok boss.ming says

"Hey ,I hav class .dinner to night " ming ask

After ming gone,pha what about yo.beam ask.

I talk to yo.he was understandable.
He wishes us best.

Then it's ok.did ming loves you too.
Yes kit .he loves me alot.

But beam is not satisfied with how yo was that understandable.

That's it for this part.

Thanks megha

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