opening hearts for eCh other

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"""Ask, what you want to ask."phana said

"Before that do you have anything to tell me." ming said

Phana turn to ming and see straight in to mings eyes.

Phana started telling his story.

Wayo was my first crush.
Ming closed his eyes tightly and his grip on the fence rod of balcony was tighten.

I first saw him taking care of puppy.

"No need for the details" ming try to say calmly but still it was a bit loud.

Ok.we like each other but we didn't tell that.

That time, I really don't know whether I love him or not because I never feel like that to any guy.

I was always scared how every one will think about me.what my parents ,friends everyone will thought about me.

I admit I have a crush at him but I didn't have the courage neither to accept that he will me my love for entire life nor how I will protect him from all the other.

So I was silent.i never admit that I love wayo.i want to be silent until I know my real feelings about myself.

When beam and kit ask I tell them that only.

Bad was, wayo listen everything what I said and went far away.

I want to explain him what I really feel.but he is no where.after that I heard he went to states for studying.

I feel relief.i thought I will organise my thoughts and i will know myself that i really love him or not.

As days go by i was hurt.i miss him. But i found out that it was just a guilty feeling of me that I hurt him.

After months I started feeling nothing.i just want to say sorry for encouraging his feelings.

After that I didn't date any one.i reject everyone because what happen with wayo makes me responsible.if i don't have real feelings then why should I hurt their feelings for temporary enjoyment.

Beam and kit thought that I never forget wayo and still waiting for him.i never explain my self to them.i really don't feel there is a necessity about that.

That's it.ming.

One thing I can say clearly that I don't have any feelings towards wayo.

Then what about the kiss?

That was wayo who try to do it.we didn't kiss.i can say i was carried away at that moment after all he was my first crush.but when i see you at the door i realised my mistake.

Thank you for that.

Phana smiled.

Ming was mesmerised at that smile.

He drag phana to his embrace. He round his 2 hand around phana waist.their lower body is touching each other .their faces are inches away.

Wh....what   are you doing?

Phana shuttered.

"Did any one say Your are cute when you shutter like that." ming asked

Phana blushed.

no one and that never happen to me.its the first time

"You are killing me " phana.

Release me

Ok I will do that.but tell me.

"what do you think about me"ming ask.


what i..phana .complete the sentence.

what about you ming,what you feel for me.

fine i willl tell.

"i love you phana"

i never thought i will fall for you.

i was never a gay nor bi pha.i dont know that feeling.

but one think i know is i love you.i went crazy when you are not with me

i was mad at myself that i didn't fight for you when wayo said he will make you  his.

"all these feelings,missing,caring loving ,wanting, needing,waiting.every thing is  making me go crazy."

you are the only one who can handle me phana.

be my side forever.i dont want to miss you.

please be my boyfriend.

phana was crying.a tear of happiness are falling from his eyes

pha,its ok if you dont like me.but dont be sad and cry.i cant see you like that.

phana hugged ming tightly.

i like you ming.i want to say this to you many times but every time something will happen.i want to confirm my own feelings for you,whether it is just like or it is love .that's why i avoided you.

"what did you found pha" ming asked.

"that was love ming and its a feeling of forever.i cant live without you."pha said with sparkly eyes

before i say yes,i will give you other chance to think,because once i confess i will never let you go from me,you will be trapped forever with me"

if that's the case," then i don't want to go from you and i willing to enter this trap .caged me forever "pha.i am all yours"ming said 

pha looked to mings eyes,he see sincerity in it.that's it.

"yes, i will be your boyfriend but promise me,you never leave me.i...i cant live without you ming,i will be dead." pha said with sad tone

shhhhhh,hey dont say that.i also cant live without you my love.

ming  we dont know what future has for us,but no matter what happen promise me,before you decide anything,you will ask me if you have any doubts.don't assume your self and don't listen to others.just ask me

ok my love.

snice you said i can ask any thing "can i kiss you my love"

phana tapped mings shoulders,those things cant be have full rights.

they both laugh.

ming reach to phanas shaking lips,he can feel the phanas breath on his lips.he look straight to phanas eyes like asking for permission.

in return phana closes the distance between their lips by kissing him.

instants they close their eyes when their lips touch each other.they just feel each other for some time.then ming  open his eyes and back off a little.he smiled to phana who was seeing straight to his eyes.

again he kissed phana this time a little bit hard .he byte the lower lip where phana moans and ming enter the phana mouth and deepen the kiss,

after a longtime they parted and hugged each other.

that's it for this part.

thanks megha

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