late night dinner date

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all the day pha and ming staring at each other.

while it is pha observing how ming runs the sotus or ming who went med camp for every hour if they need anything.

some time they talk,some time just stare sometime touch each other while pretending like helping each other.

though they don't define what they really are,but they started growing feeling for one another,

one day,pha was alone in med camp.ming and kit have dinner date with their boyfriends.

pha asked other 2 to go home ,that he will tide up everything and go to his drom,they thanked pha and went home.

pha closed the camp and went for dinner that eng arrange after sotus.

but bad time,when pha reaches it was already closed.pha sighs,huh i have no energy,i will order food .

when he was in dinamo while searching what to order,he does not see  ming who is staring at him.

pha bumped to ming,and immediately said sorry and see who he bumped to

"ming " what are you doing here.?

what about you?ming ask

wohhh,i came for dinner,but it was already close so i am thinking about ordering.

"no need,come with me. "its like ming ordered phA

before pha register what is happening he was already on mings bike,

"ming no need i go to drom and order something."pha try to convince ming

"hey stop it,did i ask you anything."

pha was silent and node his head left and right.

"close your mouth and just follow me."

why am i listening to him,pha thought to himself.

but it was nice that he was so authoritative and taking care of me.phana shook his head ,what am i thinking

ming take him to a place where they order food of phas choice and enjoy.ming didn't give chance to pha  to pay.

they came out.

"hey i feel heavy can we walk for some time" pha asked.

"sure "   they are walking side by side.

ming wants to hold phas hand,he tried also,but he was afraid how phana will react.

ming when did you became such coward,he thought to himself.

on the other side phana want to hold mings hand but he did not dare to.

"ming since you brought dinner,i will treat to desert "pha said,

"with what"  ming asked/* don't think dirty guys*/

pha smile and show the ice cream van before them.

they take the ice cream and enjoy until they reach mings bike.

as usual pha sits on ming bike.

after sometime ming feels the weight on his back,when he turn he see pha,who was trying to sleep.

ming stops the bike and ask,,

phana hold me,mimg called

pha was jolted out off sleep and said."no need ming,"

"pha its dangerous",   ming daringly hold phas hands and rounded them around his waist.

pha try to withdraw them,but ming hold them tight."if you take them off,then i will put some poison in your drink tomorrow,"

pha smiled "ya i am sure about it." ming also laugh and started his bike.

before they reach pha drom,pha fall a sleep on mings back while back hugging him.

ming smiled dearly,

though they reach pha drom,ming didn't wake up pha,because first he don't want to disturb that angel and second feels like heaven when pha holds him like that.

after some time pha open his eyes and found himself hugging ming.

pha immediately part from him,ming when did we arrive.

its been a while

then why didn't you wake me,

just like that you are in deep sleep i don't want to disturb you.

"idiot "pha hit mings shoulder

i know pha.

both smiled.well thanks for dinner and dropping me.we will meet tomorrow.

"good night ming" pha said

night pha.

when ming waS ABOUT TO START,pha called ming

"ming,"      what pha?

drive safe,call me when you reach your drom.

ming laugh,then give me your no.

huhhhhh...ok phana give ming his no and saved mings in his phone.

after 30 mins pha received a call from ming to say he was safe and in his drom.

they bid good night.

both laugh after they cut the call and went to dreamland.

"can i take this as date " ming thought to himself before he  enter the dreamland

that's it for this part

thanks megha

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