lets make love

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next day whenpha open his eyes he didnt see ming beside him.

how are you abay he see ming comming with a tray in his hand.

i am fine pha sit and ming placed a tray before him

you breakfast prince,he said,

pha loved how ming called and treat him,

both eat and have a happy talk while eating.

take rest  iwll be back in afternoon ming said

where are yo going pha asked,i have some work i will be back,pack your cholthsfew we are goig  somehwher for a week,he said

where pha asked

surpeise,ming said pha laugh and node hsis head.

pha plana and mean left,he said he will get back to you once he landed the plain.

ok pha said.

ing take pha to a long drive in the after noon.

about at 6 they reacha sea shore,ming why are we here

ming take phas hand take him to a boat and it it gone to a island.

where are we pha asked as he was mesmarised seeing the viw.

its my privete island ,we will be here for a week alone without any distrabance.he said

pha hug ming and went to see the mansion like  house in the iddlw of th island,once they setteled

Are you tired ming asked
Yes,come I will make your stress release mjng drag pha to him.

You pervert oha said

Baby it's not fair

Pha laugh.
He drag pha to stand up and follow him.
Where are you dragging me pha said.

He closed phas eys with hi s hand and take him to a waterfall.

When he make oha open his eyes.pha was speechless he was messmarised by the view.he cant rake his eyes from the eyes, ming was before him walking backwards to wards the waterfall.

Pha was stunned but not with the waterfall but he see ming giving him a strip show facing him moving backwards taking his chloths one by one.now he stand at the edge of the water and said come baby join me and he jumped into the water.

Pha didnot wait a minute and was in his boxes and then join mjng in the water.

Come baby let's swim mjng shouted.

Both swim for sometime and then ming drag pha to him and asked.

Did your stress sgo away ming asked.

It's this stressrelase you are talking about pha asked.
Yes wait did you think if something naughty ming said

Oha blushed .seeing him like that ming kissed pha with tangling their bodies with each other.

Cold water, warm kisses making them float in another world. Between the kisses oha moan hea iky because mjng is touching his member and rubbing it.

In no time  they are naked in water and having fun.

Ming we should go to room oha said while panting.
U cant wait mung said
What if someone sees.

We are te only ones in rhsibisland PGA.its my personal island no one is here.

If we roam naked also not even an animal can report us to police.mjng said and dashed phas lips.

They are out os water under waterfall and started making iut.
In no time ming entered oha and the pleasure hit them both along with the waterfall water.

When they reach their climax they are in cloud nine.

After a while they went to their house.

Ming made dinner for pha.they both enjoy the dinner with lots of jokes .

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