Chapter 2

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Nova let out a sigh of relief as she saw that the teens in front of her were relatively unharmed. Physically, they were fine. Mentally was another story. It seemed the dementor had really shaken the trio. Especially Neville. 

The woman reached into the pockets of her robed and pulled out a bar of chocolate. She opened it, broke off three pieces, and passed them out to each of the teens. "Here. This should help."

A series of thank yous followed. Nova nodded and resumed to her earlier occupation of looking out the window now that the frost had melted off of it.

Five minutes later, the door to the compartment was opened once again. This time a boy with pale blonde hair stuck his head into the compartment.

"Have you heard yet?" The boy inquired with a sly smirk.

"Heard what, Malfoy?" Ginny crossed her arms with a glare in the boy's direction.

"Precious Potter fainted when the dementors passed." He sneered, "There was a Professor in there. Seemed to think chocolate would help! Can you imagine? Chocolate of all things!"

Nova's eyes widened. The teens startled as she stood and hurried out of the compartment.  A few steps away she halted and turned to face the Malfoy boy. "You know, chocolate is proven to help people cope with dementor attacks. Maybe check your facts before trying to insult someone."

With that she turned on her heel and began making her way down the train isle. Searching for the compartment the other professor was in.

"Sorry, Harry, but we didn't hear anything," A girl's voice said from a nearby compartment Nova was about to brush by. Nova hurriedly knocked on the door knowing she had found what she was looking for.

"Yes?" A voice questioned from within. Nova took that as her cue to slide the door open. When she did, the inhabitants of the compartment glanced over as she entered.

"Who are you?" A boy with messy, black hair and glasses asked. Nova ignored the teen for a moment as she looked around the compartment before spotting the person she was looking for.

The man looked more ragged from the last time she had seen him. The woman could see that the full moon hadn't been treating him well. His clothes were patched and his jacket was threadbare. His hair had a few more grey strands in it and his eyes had small bags under them.

The little shit probably wasn't even trying what I suggested anymore. Nova narrowed her eyes as she looked him up and down. She felt her face begin to burn as she remembered the last time they had seen each other.

The last time they'd seen each other, Nova had come home to have Dumbledore inform her of Lily and James' deaths and Sirius being unfairly sentenced for the murders. They had both been yelling at the other after Sirius was thrown into Azkaban without a trial. Both on opposite sides of the argument as Nova defended Sirius and the man in front of her accusing his best friend of betraying the Potters.Nova had known the truth. Though no one had listened. That was thirteen years ago and she hadn't seen the man in person since.

"Remus." Nova finally broke the silence in the compartment. The man question startled a bit and his face paled upon catching the look on the white haired woman's face.

"N-Nova! H-how are you?" Remus stuttered as the Nova took a few steps towards him.A resounding smack echoed through the compartment as Nova slapped the Remus upside the head. Leaving the teenagers in the small area surprised. 

"You asshat!"


Can I just say that I am sincerely sorry for the (almost year long) lack of updating? Though now I'm back from the dead and fixing up the chapters I have already written before moving on to new chapters and such. I hope you enjoy the revamped chapters! :)

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