Chapter 5

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"Late! Late! Late!" Nova muttered as she  rushed to get through her morning routine. She rushed through her small apartment at Hogwarts frantically trying to find her lesson plan. As Nova ran past her coffee table, she spotted it along with a note and a small package. Nova picked the note up and read it quickly.

'It seems you have forgotten something. You are welcome. In the package you will find some muffins. Don't worry I did not make them... the elves helped. ~ Remus.'

"Bless your heart, Remus!!" She exclaimed picking up her lesson plan and the muffin box opening it quickly and shoving one into her mouth before racing out the door. The hallways were empty.

Dear Merlin! How late am I running!!

She glanced at her watch. Classes had started 20 minutes ago. She ran even faster down the three flights of stairs. Dumbledore had known that she loved to stargaze so he had gifted her a room on the top floor where she could see them clearly.

Oh, Merlin! Please don't  let the classroom be in ruins!

She finally reached the doors and pushed them open. She used a little too much force and the doors banged off of the wall with a large thud. The classroom went deathly quiet and Nova's face reddened a bit before she walked down to the front of the classroom.

"Ah, there you are! I was wondering when you'd get here! I honestly tried to wake you up, but you were out cold." A familiar voice whispered.

"Remus. Of course. And thank you for your help this morning. Wait... don't you have a class room teach this morning?" Nova muttered back quietly.

"Next class period, yes. Go on and take lead." Remus replied standing up. "I just had them chat to get to know each other a bit better."

Nova nodded in reply and handed him a small chocolate from her pocket. He accepted it gladly and walked out the door.

"Okay, everyone. Back to where you came from. Sorry for being late..." Nova called out to the class and they went quickly to their seats.

"Alright. How about an ice breaker? Yeah? Okay... say your name and one or two things about yourself." Nova said quickly, then looked around the room.

"You!" She exclaimed and pointed at the  third year at the end of the first row of desks.

"Um... Neville Longbottom and my favorite subject is herbology."


Soon they had gotten through all of the students in the room. Nova was about to move on until a student in the front raised their hand.

"Yes, Ms. Granger?" Nova asked as she looked back up from flipping through her plan.

"Professor, what about you?" She asked and Nova sighed.

"Well, my name is Nova Lupin. Please, call me Nova. Two Professor Lupins is just plain old confusing. Plus, I'm not very formal. If you must use my last name then so be it. Just don't get your homework mixed up. Umm... my brother is Remus Lupin. And I have a chocolate addiction."

"Any other questions before we get started?"

Almost every hand in the room shot up.

"Oh my..."

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