Chapter 21

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I feel like this song suits Nova so well. Plus it's such a good song. I cried the first time I heard it and I'll keep crying because it is beautiful in my opinion.

A few days later, Nova rang the door bell to the infamous number four Privet drive  and looked around the quiet neighborhood.

The houses all looked the same. Tan, brick, two stories. Each had their own quaint little yards with various lawn decorations spouting about.

She waited in silence for a minute more before the door finally opened, revealing a stern looking woman in her early forty's

Petunia Dursley was a thin woman and on the tall side at that, though Nova still managed to be a few inches taller. She had dark and short hair that was riddled with curls and in Nova's opinion, they looked like she curled her hair every morning, but there was some natural curl, too.

"Hello, I have come here to discuss some things with a Mrs. Petunia Dursley and a Mr. Vernon Dursley." I greet politely.

"This is she. Why are you here to speak with us? If you're selling something, we don't want it." She said curtly and started to close the door.

"Mrs. Dursley. I think you will find that I am not selling anything and that you may want to hear me out before shutting that door in my face." Nova said stiffly, but patently

Harry having heard the commotion sat on the steps listening to the conversation and snickered a bit at his god mother's tone.

"Well, until you have a good reason to talk to us, I suggest that you come back later. Good day." Petunia said and started to close the door again.

"I've come to talk to you about my god son." Nova blurted stopping the door with her hand without much effort.

"I'm sorry. Who?" Petunia said confused.

"I have come to talk to you about my god son. Harry Potter." Nova replied. Calmly repeating herself.

"Well, you're out of luck because there is no one here that goes by that name around here." She said shortly and tried to shut the door again but Nova pushed it open again. All the while muttering under her breath about how she could smell the lies on Petunia and Harry's scent in the house.

"I'm usually against entering without permission, but you left me no choice." Nova grinds out. "I need to make sure Harry will be okay before I leave. Harry?"

"What the devil is going on in here!" Nova faintly heard Vernon roar.

"Hello, Vernon." Nova said and raised an eyebrow as she saw him hold up his newspaper menacingly. "Lovely day we're having today, aren't we?"

"Hello, Nova." Nova turned to the staircase where Harry stood.

"Did you not think to inform them that I would be coming today?" Nova questioned him looking at the dumb founded faces of the Dursleys.

"I did. They just didn't want to listen." He replied with a look to Vernon that said 'I told you so.'

"Well, I will inform you that I always keep my word." Nova said with a slight frown to the Dursleys. Dudley whimpered slightly and hid behind his mother. "I can assure you that I mean no harm. I have just come to check up on Harry since Sirius can not do so himself."  

"You're friends with that criminal?!" Petunia squealed. 

"Yes, and I was best friends with your sister." Nova said patiently.

"You're one of those freaks!" Vernon shouted and pointed at her accusingly.

"Yes and no. And they are not freaks. We just have a gift." Nova said with a sharp glare that sent Vernon back a step.

"Anyways, you have no right to judge us. Did you even grieve your sister?" The look on Petunia's face told Nova all that she needed. "You didn't. Imagine my grief when I came back and found out that my best friends had died. Lily was the smartest witch I have ever had the privilege to meet. And James was the most courageous wizard I have met. They along with my other friends taught me not all magic folk are bad."

A tear had managed to run down Nova's cheek and she quickly wiped it away. Not wanting to cry in front of people.

"Anyway, Harry, I also came to give you an early birthday present since I will not be able to send an owl or give this to you then." Nova pulled a small package from her bag and handed it to Harry. "You can open it now, if you wish to."

Harry opened it carefully and peered inside the box. He grabbed a small picture in a frame and pulled it out.

In it were six people. Four were clearly Lily, James, Sirius, Remus. The other two were girls. One that looked like the girl version of Sirius and one that had black hair with white streaking through it, tanned skin, and the unique purple eyes of Nova. They were all laughing in what looked like triumph next to a river in a forest as Nova held up what looked like a gem. As the picture moved about, he watched as Sirius suddenly pushed Nova and the other girl into the water. They pulled themselves out of the water looking furious and chased him around. The others laughing madly. Then the picture reset itself.

"That's one of my favorite memories." Nova said with a smile. "And before you say no. I have a copy at home. Well, with Remus."

Harry looked at her with tears in his eyes and hugged her.

"Whoa, there tiger." Nova laughed.

"Thank you."

"It was my pleasure. After all, I did miss thirteen birthdays!"

By now the Dursleys had all gone to the living room. Nova figured to cower in fear.

"Hey, Nova, who's the other girl? The one that looks like Sirius." He asked.

"That's Astra. Sirius' twin. She was my best friend." Nova smiled faintly.

"Was? Did she die?" Harry asked quietly. He wanted to know but he also did not want to hurt Nova's feeling and make her sad.

"I don't know. I haven't heard anyone say a word of her and I haven't seen her. I just have to hope that she is okay."

It was quiet for a few minutes before Nova spoke again.

"I fear that I must go and pick up Remus now. I want to leave bright and early tomorrow and I still have to gather some more supplies for our trip. I hope you have a nice summer, Harry, and if I hear otherwise there will be consequences to those who have caused the distress." Nova said loud enough for even the Dursleys to hear.

Nova gave Harry one last hug before apparating to god knows where.

"How dare you give out this address!" He heard Vernon in the hallway.

"Ah ah! The scary lady and the convict are just an owl away." Harry warned his uncle. Who stumbled back spluttering in fear.

Oh this was going to be a peaceful summer indeed.

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