Chapter 28

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Nova woke up in a good mood the next morning. She quickly dressed in her usual attire of a band t- shirt, black jeans, her favorite leather trench coat, and her combat boots. Then she practically ran down the astronomy tower stairs to the Great Hall. 

"You're in a bright mood this morning, aren't you Ms. Lupin?" McGonagall inquired as the young woman ran in. She watched as Nova quickly sat down and started gathering food on her plate. 

"Well, Professor, it's a new day, a new hour, a new minute, the sun is shining, there's a slight breeze, and, most importantly, there's food and coffee. What's not to like?" Nova replied happily. 

The older woman raised an eyebrow as she watched Nova dig into her food. She quickly shrugged it off after remembering all the mornings that Nova would drag the boys down from their dorms, with Astra helping, to get to breakfast on time. 

Severus watched in amusement as the woman next to him grabbed her mug of coffee, glanced around to make sure no one was watching, and reached into her pocket. A few moments later she pulled out a few pieces of chocolate and swiftly dropped them into the bitter drink. 

"Please tell me I did not just see you put chocolate in your coffee." He said with a grimace as she happily stirred her drink and took a sip.

"Okay, you did not just see me put chocolate in my coffee." She replied with a smirk. He just gave her a heavy sigh and returned to his meal. "Maybe you should try it, Sev."

At that he quickly set his coffee on the side of the plate that was away from her grasp. Nova huffed.

"Okay. Never mind. I guess you like your coffee as black as your soul." She teased and tossed the chocolate she was holding into his coffee. It landed with a small splash and the man just stared at his cup for a second.

"Really?" He asked with a bored expression. 

"Yes, really. You should try it. It's really good. Kind of like hot chocolate or chocolate coffee cake." She replied with a shrug. He shrugged and gave in, if only for his need for coffee before dealing with teenagers all day. To his surprise, it wasn't half bad.

"See? Not so bad, is it?" Nova asked as she placed a small, mysterious looking bag on Dumbledore's plate. Severus looked at the woman with a raised brow. "Oh relax. It's only candy."

She quickly finished her meal after that and stood. She reached a hand in her pocket and pulled out a small orb. "This on the other hand, is something much more fun! It's something I made this summer!"

"I'm kind of scared to ask." Severus muttered with a look of uncertainty. Nova pulled out her wand and whispered something. The small orb changed from being clear to a neon green. "Nova. What are you doing?"

"Oh, don't fret! It's harmless!" She exclaimed with a mad glint in her eye. Then dropped her voice to a low mutter. "I think." 

McGonagall looked over to see what the two were talking about when she saw Nova. "Might I remind you, Miss Lupin, that the Great Hall is not your laboratory and the students are not your guinea pigs."

"Oh, come on, Minnie! Just this once? For old times sake?" She asked hopefully.

"I beleive you have a class in half an hour that you have to prepare for." The older professor replied. 

"Oh, well. I tried. If I must." Nova replied quickly as she saw the headmaster walk in. She darted out of the room as quickly as she had arrived. Severus suddenly got the feeling that whatever was in the small bag was definitely not candy as she had said.

"Sir, I wouldn't-" It was too late. Dumbledore had reached and opened the bag before Severus could advise him not to. There was a startling bang and several colors shot out in a smoke-like substance. They twisted around eachother before exploding in a firework above the Professors' table. An object floated down and onto Dumbledore's lap. (Image up top because I honestly don't know how to explain it.) The remaining powder in the room drifted down from the air. As it landed, flowers started sprouting on the table and floor. The remaining professors at the table were coated in a layer of the rainbow powder. From outside the doors of the great hall they heard a cackle that could only belong to Nova. 

"My my! What an exquisite hat! I must thank Ms. Lupin later." Dumbledore exclaimed with a bright smile while McGonagall just sighed. He then proceeded to switch his hat with the bright hat that had come from the bag Nova set on the table earlier.

"Sir, please. Do not encourage her." Severus muttered with his head in his hands.

~~~~ Small timeskip ~~~~

Nova sat quietly in her office reading through a letter from Sky as students filtered into her classroom. Her first class was filled with third years that belonged to various houses. There were quite a few this year she noted when she glanced up. She returned to the letter. She usually checked on how the shifter tribe was doing through her letters every week. To her relief, the only thing that had really changed was the temperature and a few births. She quickly began to scrawl her reply on a clean sheet of parchment before class started with a small smile. 

There was another five minutes after Nova had written her reply to her fellow shifter so she took the time to survey the class. She recognized a familiar red head in the sea of blonde, brunette, and even a couple ebony haired students. Ginny Weasley. She also recognized a Slytherin boy near the back as Harper. It was then the bell decided to toll.

"Okay everyone!" She exclaimed and got everyone's attention. "My name is Nova Lupin and I'll be your history of magic professor for the forseeable future. Why don't we start with an ice breaker and then we'll go over our curriculum for this year."

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