Chapter 34

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Hiya, readers! Guess who's not dead! First off, I would like to say that I am terribly sorry for not updating the actual story in a while. Started school again and kind of energy draining. I also signed up for a solo for my school's color guard and we also have the winter show to prepare for.on November 18th. So I'll try my best to update when I can! :) Also as much as I would like to skip this part of Nova's story, I know I can't leave holes like that like the prequel to this. WHICH. will be fixed as soon as I am done with this chapter of Nova's life. I can tell you right now that this is probably the longest lasting thing that I have published on here besides the prequel. Let's hope for better moods, less stress, and more chapters published.

"So... You think Harry's found out how to deal with a dragon yet?" Nova asked Severus while skimming through the book she had gotten on the previous Hogsmeade trip.

"And how do you know that Potter knows about the dragons?" Snape inquired suspiciously.

"Gut feeling." Nova responded. Severus raised a brow. "And I might have saw him walking with Hagrid the other night."

"Ah. Well, I suppose he must have some sort of plan. Even if its a plan only an idiot come up with." He monotoned before going back to reorganizing his potion shelves.

"Siren scales go to the right besides Eye of Serpent. That's where it's always been and I know for a fact you haven't changed it. Also, you left a jar monkshood over on your desk. It smells revolting." Nova replied without looking up from her book. Severus shot her a glare before swiftly going to his desk to put away the herb. "Don't give me that look. Only trying to help."

"Well, if you want to help there is another shipment of ingredients for the next class waiting for me to pick it up in Hogsmeade. Why don't you go fetch it for me."

"Maybe I will." Nova snarked, set down her book, and proceeded to walk out while pulling her leather overcoat on . Her leather clad feet paused at the door for a moment. "Hey, Sev?"

"Yes, Nova?" The dark haired man responded from the potions shelf.

"If you were an elusive nomad with no regards for others and you liked warm places, where would you be?" She asked after a moment of silence between the two.

"The Sahara. Any particular reason you're asking?" He said with a bored tone.

Nova was quiet for a moment before turning on her heels and leaving.

Severus let out a sigh and stood up while looking to where Nova was moments before.

"Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to have to go and get those ingredients myself..."


Nova rushed into her room and gathered together a few sets of spare clothes and essentials before grabbing a small blanket and wrapping it around the small, wooden box that contained the other relics she had gathered.

Nova quickly scratched a note in ink onto of piece of parchment. The small piece of paper sat upon multiple pieces of paperwork in the dim light. Nova then slipped out the door and quickly jogged towards Hogsmeade.

Multiple students looked the professor's way as she rushed through Hogsmeade.As Nova was quickly making her way to the station, she bumped into someone violently. Apologizing, she was about to carry on her way when the familiar voice made her look back.

"Professor? Where are you going in such a rush?" Harry asked as he rubbed his sore shoulder. "Are you leaving?"

"Yes, sorry. I have important business to attend to elsewhere." Nova rushed out and continued to call back as she walked off. "My note is on Dumbledore's desk. I have recommend someone to fill my position until I can return. I don't have the slightest idea of when I will return. Goodbye!"

The confused trio watched in shock as Nova disapparated from the spot.


Nova reappeared at Remus' house knowing she would find the sandy haired introvert there. She slammed the door open and marched in, startling her tired looking brother in the living room. Nova marched straight up to his room and started packing his bag knowing full well that he would agree to join her.

"Well hello to you, too, little miss sunshine." Remus snarked at his sister as he came to stand in the doorway to his bedroom. "Where are we going in such a hurry?"

"The Sahara." Nova replied bluntly before going off in a tangent. "I don't know why I've never thought of it before! It's hot, sunny, and arid. Nobody in their right minds would want to set foot in a desert searching for a myth. It's the perfect place to hide and protect something so priceless. It's also pretty secluded. And-" 

"Geez, Nova, calm down. I'm right here. No need to talk my ear off. And did you say desert?" Remus asked with an amused eyebrow raised. "Why don't you ask Sirius to go with you?"

"Oh, yes. Two adults with the mindset of children wandering around in the desert unsupervised. What a terrific idea." Nova dead panned. "And , also, since when do you have a life? Get a new job? Not that I'm aware of."

"Wow. I don't know whether I should be offended or not." Remus responded with a roll of his eyes. "Fine. I'll come, but one rule. You have to drag Sirius along. He's driving us all up a wall. He needs to get out. Please."

"Yes. That's great. Alright. Let's hurry and apparate to get Sirius packed and skedaddle." Nova replied. "I want to get home quickly. I have a hunch and it's not a particularly good one."

"Yes, ma'am." Remus sighed as a bag was thrown at him. "I can't even get a moments peace in my own home, can I? No. Of course not. None of them have boundaries."

"Oh, hush you big baby." Nova said and disapparated.

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