Chapter 24

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"Rise and shine!" Nova exclaimed and ripped the blanket off of Remus.

"Nova? Just what do you think you're doing?" He asked in a voice that was husky from sleep.

"Waking you up, duh." Nova rolled her eyes and briskly walked out of Remus' tent.

She packed up her tent and shoved it into her backpack and took out a granola bar.

Soon, Remus walked out of his tent and copied Nova.

When he was finished, Nova spoke up.

"You ready to go?"

"Yep! All set." Remus exclaimed and they resumed their trek up the mountain. 

"So any idea of what we're looking for, Nova?" Remus asked after half an hour. Nova turned to look at him, her hair completely blending in with the snow around them.

"Some sort of village I'd guess." She responded and turned back. She started humming an old tune that Remus remembered her humming ever since their child hood.

They continued on for a while more before Nova suddenly stopped. Remus kept walking until Nova stopped him with an outstretched arm. 

"Remus. Be quiet and don't move." She said in a hushed voice.

"What is it, Nova?"He whispered. She didn't respond. Her eyes were darting around them and her ears were alert as she took a protective stance in front of Remus.

She listened for a few more minutes before  she picked up a whistling sound and moved with her inhuman speed to Remus' side and caught an arrow just before it made impact with Remus' neck. She growled at the idea of what that arrow could have done.

"Show yourselves!" She yelled into the fog that had gathered on the mountain side. 

All was silent for a moment before Remus saw a shadow in the mist. The closer the figure got, Remus saw more behind it.

The figure came into view with the others revealing a man that looked around the same age as Nova. He was around six feet and had silver hair matched with off-white eyes and a sandy skin tone.

"Who are you and why have you come." He demanded. His voice was full of authority as he held his head high. Nova stepped forward in front of the man.

"My name is Nova Astros. Daughter of Chief Sol Astros. I am a shifter of the Astros tribe. I have come to speak with your chief." She bowed her head a bit in greeting. 

"Impossible!" A woman around the age of forty exclaimed. "We received word that the Astros has been wiped out nearly two decades ago!"

Nova slightly flinched at that and took another step forward.

"Though that may be true, I survived." Nova replied sternly. The man at the front walked forward until he and Nova were just a few feet apart.

"In that case, I believe you are looking for me. My name is Sky Scirroco." He told her and held out his hand. Nova took it in her own hand and met his eyes as they shook. "Who is the one behind you?"

"This is Remus Lupin. He has kindly agreed to travel with me." She responded vaguely. Remus realized that she was being careful with what information she revealed to the tribe of shifters before them. The Chief of the Scirocco narrowed his eyes before nodding. 

"I see. Why have you come here?" Sky asked Nova and clasped his hands behind his back. Nova bit her lip and glanced at Remus nervously before turning her gaze back to the silver haired male in front of her.

"I have come to ask for your assistance and cooperation." She said with a brave tone.

"I see. Why don't you come with us back to our village and we can discuss more there." Sky suggested and waved to his comrades before leading the way through the ice and snow. The air got thinner as they climbed and after another thirty minutes of walking, houses came into their view. As they entered the village more people with fair hair and eyes looked their way as Nova and Remus were lead into the village and to Sky's abode.

The rest of the group broke off leaving Nova and Remus with the Chief as they passed through the doorway and into the living room.

"So, what can we do to assist you?" Sky asked. The question was directed towards Nova.

"I know this is a bold request to make, but we need to collect all of the relics." Nova responded. Her face betrayed no emotion as Sky raised his eyebrows in, what looked to Remus, surprise.

"And why would you need to do that?" He asked in suspicion and narrowed his eyes.

"When the Astros disappeared, a new threat arose that endangered the shifter population in a whole. This group is controlled by a dark wizard named Voldemort. His followers are called Death Eaters. They are also after relics. At the time, they only knew about the Astros tribe and our relic. They thirst for power, so they tracked us down and attacked. Their spells killed everyone instantly. They would try to get information out of everyone with a curse that makes your nerves scream in pain." Nova had a distant look in her normally vibrant purple eyes. Remus grabbed his sister's hand tightly as she continued. "They tried to get information on the whereabouts of our relic out of me but failed to do so. I took my chance and ran until I bumped into a wizard who saved my life and let me stay with his family. Soon, we found out I was a witch along with their son and we got our Hogwarts acceptance letters. They officially adopted me into their family the following Christmas. Ever since I graduated I have been trying to track down all the relics with the help of my most trusted friends to keep them safe and out of the clutches of Death Eaters.

Another war is brewing. I can sense it. The dark wizard, Voldemort, will rise again soon. No one will be safe and he and his followers will stop at nothing to find the relics and eliminate all shifters."

When Nova finished, Sky looked down in thought. No doubt playing out all of the possibilities and outcomes in his head. "Is this man beside you that boy from the wizarding family that helped you?"

"Indeed. This is Remus Lupin. My brother." Nova confirmed.

"I would like to thank you for looking after our sister tribe's heiress." The chief spoke and bowed his head to Remus. "You two will always be welcome here. And when the last battle is fought you will have all of our support."

"Thank you, Chief Sky." Nova stood and bowed her head motioning for Remus to do the same.

Sky stood up and motioned for them to follow. "Come, I will show you to the relic and then to your lodgings for the night. You can leave in the morning."

They turned to leave, but Sky turned back around and looked to Remus.

"Oh and werewolf," he started, "Listen to Nova. Her people have a long history with werewolves. She can help you."

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