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Author: You know when people time travel and when they go back everyone is just going about their daily lives. So when the time travelers go back in the past, does that mean that the past has been playing out the whole time on an endless loop and it's just resetting every day. Does that mean the future is also playing out and we are also past and future but we are living in our own present????

Author's Friend: See there are multiple ways to think about it one is that we continually make different timeline and only know of the one that we are currently in, but all the choices have been made. I also believe that you can’t travel to the past because literally just existing in the vast would make a new timeline where you possibly couldn’t have gone to the past and therefor a Parodox would occur.

Author: I totally agree because, as you said, it would make an entirely new timeline that is now your present. But if your present is your past and the past is your present... Unless of course it’s already accounted for you traveling to the "past". It might be Parallel timelines.

Author's Friend: If you like thinking about time and stuff just think of how improbable it is that there’s no other life aside from here on earth in this infanent universe

Author: *curls even more tightly into blanket cocoon and cries*

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