"Thank you once again, Chief Sky." Nova said and nodded her head as she tucked the relic into her bag.
"Of course. We'll do anything to help our friends. Plus, we want the wizarding war to stop as well. We don't want anymore shifter tribes destroyed." Sky nodded back to Nova who gave a small smile. "I hope you two have a safe trip back down the mountain and to your homes."
"That is much appreciated, Chief Sky." Nova responded and nodded her head to him. "I hope when the war does reach it's peak, we will see you again."
With that Nova and Remus said their goodbyes. Nova smiled and winked at Sky before grabbing Remus' robes and turning on her heel. Disapparating from the peak and back down to the base where they first started.
"Ah." Nova sighed. "That was so much quicker than walking back down."
Remus nodded his agreement. "Hey, we brought our tickets to return home right."
"Of course. I'm not that stupid, Remus. They're right here." Nova responded, unzipping her backpack and pulling out the tickets.
"Good. I can't wait to get home. All this traveling is taking a lot out of me." He said and stretched a bit.
"Okay, okay, old man. If you would be so kind as to apparate us back to the tree line of the airport I would be eternally grateful."Nova replied with a hint of sarcasm in her voice as they stood at the base of the mountain.
Remus grumbled something incoherently and gripped Nova's arm in his hand. Nova felt the sensation of being squeezed through a tube and then they were there.
"Alright then. Our flight is in around two hours, so we should go get checked in and run through security. Then you can have your nap." Nova smiled and led the way through the parking lot and into the building.
Time Skip because I literally couldn't think of anything
"Home sweet home." Nova said as she face planted onto her bed at Remus'.
"You know. You have your own apartment next door to Grimmauld Place or better yet, you can join Sirius there!" Remus said sarcastically.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you want to be rid of me for a while." Nova chuckled and sat up.
"I-It's not that I-" Remus stuttered.
"No no. It's fine! I get it! I'll leave in a minute and you can enjoy some time alone. I'll visit you later!" Nova smiled and grabbed her backpack. She walked out of the room and the house. But not before jabbing her brother in the side before she left. She waved to her brother, who was looking out the window, turned on her heel, and apparated to who knows where.
Remus sighed. Peace and quiet filled his household and he could finally relax.
"Oh, Siri! Guess who's here to keep ya company!" Nova yelled as she burst through the door of number twelve Grimmauld place. Several crashes were heard throughout the house before a bewildered Sirius rounded the corner of the narrow entrance hallway.
"Nova! You're back from your trip! I would've thought you'd still be at Remus' house." Sirius exclaimed as he came and hugged his best friend.
"He kicked me out. He's just moody. It's almost his time of the month." Nova smirked and the two shared a chuckle at the old joke.
"So aren't you gonna show me in, Mr. Black?"
"Right. Come in, Ms. Lupin." Sirius responded with a mocking bow.
Nova strode past him and walked into the living room.
"You hungry? I can whip something up." Sirius offered.
"Not a chance! I remember the last time you tried to make dinner for us, you gave us all a stomach ache." She laughed and remembered the food, if you could even call it food, that Sirius had made for them all one night when they got together. She flicked his forehead playfully.
"Ow! Hey, watch it, Nova! That hurt! Watch your strength! And for your information, I've gotten better!" Sirius exclaimed holding a hand to the red mark on his head.
"Sorry." Nova apologized and patted him on the head empathetically.
"You're not really that sorry." He growled, playfully glaring at her.
"Nope!" She said and took off at a sprint down the hallway.
"Nova! Get back here!" Sirius yelled as he took off after her.
A cloaked figure stood outside the depressing and dreary house called Number twelve Grimmauld Place. As they walked up to the door, the figure could hear crashes in the house. They looked at the door in concern and debated whether or not to open it. Then they heard familiar voices from inside.
"Get back here, you animal!"
"Why don't you make me, you ogre!"
"I am not an og- Wait! No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Put that down! There's no need to get violent!"
"That's for me to decide, you limp noodle!"
"Oh, brother." The figure facepalmed and opened the door. They walked through the long entry way and stood at the opening. The figure watched a certain white haired woman and a black haired male chase each other in circles around the living room. Wands out and the woman had a frying pan. They watched as the two adults traded insults as they ran. Jumping on furniture The figure sighed and pinched the bridge of their nose between their index finger and thumb. "Children."
"If you two don't knock it off, I swear I will throw you into the bloody black lake myself!"
Sirius and Nova immediately stopped in their tracks. The latter dropping the frying pan. They turned around, their faces white with shock and terror. They looked like they had seen a ghost.
"Miss me?" She took her hood down, revealing her black waves and grey eyes. No response.
"Oh come on!" The woman put her hands on her hips. "No hugs? I see how loved I am around here. Keep those mouths open like that and you'll swallow a bug or two."
Nova and Sirius' shocked faces turned into ones of excitement. Like children on Christmas morning.
Sorry this is a day or two late. Procrastination at it's finest. Oh and I discovered 8D music and all that stuff. I am now kind of addicted and it's giving me more motivation. I originally wanted Astra to appear in the Order of the Phoenix, but I couldn't resist it any longer! Happy reading!! Stay safe!

Secrets Revealed
FanfictionNova Lupin is coming back to Hogwarts for Harry's third year to help keep an eye on him. When on the train she meets up with one of the only people she considers family for the first time in years. Join Nova on her journey to help one of her old fri...