Chapter 9

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Yes, I am alive! Sorry, 'bout not updating.... But I now because of quarantine I have loads of time...

I mean.... It was a choice before! Now it's a requirement to stay home.

I'll update when I can and have ideas! ●Hufflepuff0908●

"Alright everyone! Hand in the homework and sit back down. Then we'll pick up where we left off."

The class quieted down and began to listen to Nova intently.

"The Sirocco tribes typically inhabit cooler and windier climates. Like mountains and the North. Their appearance is typically pale natural hair colors to even white! Their eyes are typically either white or a pale blue. The signs they are typically born under are Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra. They are known to think critically and can be very serious. Any questions?"

Everyone was silent so Nova took this as a 'go on' sign as she continued.

"Boulder villages are typically located in any climate really. They are usually very down to Earth and kind. Their appearancescan rang from brown to dirty blonde hair usually and brown, green, or hazel eyes." Nova finished.

"Any questions before we move on from Shifters and Werewolves? No? Alright. Home work is to read pages 20 through 35. Which if I recall correctly will cover the first wizards and witches and their settlements. Write a two paragraph essay pertaining to that information."

No questions.

"Alright everyone! Then you have the rest of the period to your selves. Just no fighting please!" I announce and walk to my chair.

If I am right they should have around twenty minutes left of class.

I see some students starting on their homework, but most of them are just talking in groups around the room.

I grab my book from one of my desk drawers and start to read.

3rd Person POV

"Harry, you should get started on your homework. She assigned quite a but of reading." Hermione stated as she kept reading.

"I know. I know. It's just... she looks so familiar. I just can't seem to put my finger on it." Harry replied.

Nova glanced up for a second upon hearing him. She caught his confused face and looked back down towards her old beaten up book. The book James had given her for her fifteenth birthday.

She smirked to herself and chuckled.

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