Chapter 10

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Winter had passed and I was roaming around the corridors late one night with Remus when I heard talking a few corridors down. Well, more like yelling.

I sprinted silently along with Remus to make sure everything was okay.

"I'll be confiscating this Mr. Potter." I heard Severus sneer as I rounded the corner.

"But-" Harry starts to say.

"Now, now, Severus! What's going on here?" I interrupt walking forwards with Remus close behind.

"Ah! Professor Lupin, just the man I wanted to see!" He monotones handing Remus a sheet of parchment.

"This parchment is clearly infested with dark magic." He continues.

"Or... Its just a Zonko's product that insults everyone who tries to read it." I offer seeing as it's The Marauder's Map.

"Perhaps. Why don't I take it and give it a look over for now?" Remus suggested, eyeing the map.

"Fine, Lupin. Good evening." He said and briskly walks off.

"P- Professor-" Harry started.

"Quite frankly, I do not want to know where or how you attained that map - Yes we know it's a map- Filch nicked it years ago."  Remus told him.

"Why would Snape think I got it from the manufacturers?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Be- Because-" Remus struggled to find a good excuse.

"Because they would think it hilarious to lead you out of the castle." I said and Harry gave me an odd look.

"Do you know them?"

"We've met." Remus said shortly. Staring at Harry seriously.

"Dont expect me to cover up for you again. I can not make you take Sirius Black seriously- " He cut off as I snorted in amusement at his unintentional pun. He glares at me and continued. "But I would have thought that what you heard when the Dementors neared you would have had more of an effect on you. Your parents gave their lives to save you, Harry. Don't go gambling their sacrifice for a bag of magic tricks."

Remus then nodded to me and strided away before we got another chance to say a word.

"Sorry 'bout him. He didn't get his nap today." I joked and turned back to Harry.

"Wotcher, Ron!" I called as Ron tore around the corner at a sprint.

"I - bought- Harry- that parchment- at- Zonko's!" He exclaimed while trying to catch his breath.

"No need to worry, Mr. Weasley. It's all taken care of." I gently smile at them. "Harry, ignore Remus. Well, not entirely, he's just worried about you. When he's worried he gets stressed. When he gets stressted, he barely gets sleep. When he doesn't get sleep, he gets cranky. Especially, during these times."

I apologised on Remus' behalf and wall away.

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