Chapter 19

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"I saw you coming," said Remus, smiling. He pointed to the parchment he had been looking over.It was the Marauder's Map. 

 "I just saw Hagrid," said Harry. "And he said you'd resigned. It's not true, is it? What about Nova? Has she?" 

 "I'm afraid it is. As for Nova, you'll be seeing plenty of her next year. I believe you already knew that." said Remus. He started opening his desk drawers and taking out the contents.

 "I was just confirming... but why do you have to leave?" said Harry. "The Ministry of Magic don't think you were helping Sirius, do they?" 

"No. Professor Dumbledore managed to convince Fudge that he was trying to save your lives." The voice of Nova responded as she walked in carrying a backpack. "That was the final straw for Sev. I think the loss of the Order of Merlin hit him hard.So he "accidentally" let slip that he is a werewolf this morning at breakfast." 

"You're not leaving just because of that!" said Harry. 

Remus smiled wryly. "This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving from parents... They will not want a werewolf teaching their children, Harry. And after last night, I see their point. I could have bitten any of you if it wasn't for Nova... That must never happen again."

 "You're the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had!" said Harry. "Don'tgo!"  

Remus shook his head and didn't speak. He carried on emptying his drawers.

 Then, while Harry was trying to think of a good argument to make him stay, Remus said, "From what the headmaster told me this morning, you saved a lot of lives last night, Harry. If we're proud of anything we've done this year, it's how much you've learned... Tell me about your Patronus."

"Me, too! Spill the tea!" Nova said excitably before grumbling. "I still can't believe Poppy put me down for the count last night! I wanted to help!"

Remus snickered.

"Shut up, you soggy loaf of bread!" Nova exclaimed and aimed a glare at Remus.

 "How d'you know about that?" said Harry which distracted Nova. 

 "What else could have driven the Dementors back?" Remus concluded.

 Harry told the siblings what had happened. When he'd finished, Remus was smiling again. 

"Yes, your father was always a stag when he transformed," he said.

"You guessed right... that's why we called him Prongs." Nova smiled.

"So, Nova," Harry said to grab her attention before she could get distracted by something the room. "What's the backpack for? I thought you were staying."

"Oh I am. I just have to try to find something this summer." Nova assured Harry then looked like a light bulb went off in her mind.

"That reminds me, Remus. Do you have them? I can't remember if I gave them to you or if they're in my chambers." Nova asked as Harry looked on in confusion.

"Of course." Remus said and handed Nova a small, wooden chest. She opened it and looked inside as if assuring herself that whatever was inside was there.

"Thank Merlin!  I don't know what I would do without you, Remmy!" Nova exclaimed in relief.

"Yeah, yeah. This is why I am coming with you."

"What?! Are you saying that I could get lost too easily?" Nova countered.

"No! I'm saying you forget things too easily. So now you are stuck with me."

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