Chapter 26

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Here's another one to make up for the late update! Hope you like it!

Note: This chapter uses strong language

"Astra!" Nova and Sirius shouted and ran to their best friend, and in Sirius' case, twin.

They hugged for what seemed like hours before Nova pulled away. As did Sirius. Suddenly, Nova slapped Astra. Knocking her friends face to the side as they stood in front of the couches in the living room. Sirius' smiling turned into one of shock as Nova started yelling.

"You idiot! Where the hell were you?! Do you have any idea how worried we've been for the past fourteen years?! We thought you were bloody dead! Dead, do you hear me?! We thought we would have to bury a third friend!" Nova had tears in her eyes as she furiously screamed at Astra. Astra looked down like a child would when reprimanded for causing trouble. "Remus wanted to put a gravestone up for you! What the fuck could have possibly been so important that you had to up and leave! Whatever it was, we could have bloody helped you! You didn't have to disappear on us!"

Sirius said nothing as Nova cussed and screamed at his younger sister, tears streaming down the tan girl's face. Frankly, he wanted to do the same thing himself, but he thought Nova's screaming was enough for both of them. 

After an hour, only when Nova's voice was to hoarse to yell and she was reduced down to sobbing, did she relent. Astra had taken it all. Looking at the floor through the whole thing. Nova collapsed to the floor as she sobbed hysterically. Sirius hurried to her aid. He picked her up bridal style and set her down on the couch. He turned to Astra, tears in his own eyes.

"Where were you?" He said in a soft voice.

"I-I was looking for one of the relics." Astra admitted quietly. Nova turned her head so quick and sharply that multiple cracks were heard throughout the living room. Sirius and Astra winced at the sound. 

"You what?!" Nova's voice was so hoarse that it was barely more than a whisper, but it was sharp enough to make Astra flinch. Nova's eyes flickered as they glowed violently. "You know only a shifter can sense the relics. It was foolish for a witch, let alone a human, to attempt to find one. And you wasted fourteen years of you life span trying to find one!"

Nova was beyond livid now. She couldn't believe that Astra would do such a foolish thing.

"Shit." Sirius whispered as he saw how Nova looked. Sirius rarely ever cussed but looking at the livid white haired woman in front of him, he was more than terrified. "Astra. Get Remus. He'll be at the Lupin residence by now talking to Lyall."

Astra was terrified. Frozen in the spot she was standing. 

"Go now, Astra!" Sirius yelled, snapping her out of it. She quickly nodded and ran out of the house to apparate to the old Lupin residence.

Astra quickly turned on her heel and appeared in front of the cozy house that she remembered from their childhood visits.

She ran up the concrete pathway and rapidly knocked on the door until it opened. 

"Bloody hell, Nova. We're back for less than twenty four hours and you... decide to... make a midnight call- Astra?!" Remus stood on the other side, his face as white as a sheet. Then his emotions melted away and his face remained straight as he clenched his fists. "My, my... Look what the cat dragged in."

"There'll be time for yelling later. Nova's-" Astra exclaimed frantically before being interrupted by the sandy haired man in front of her.

"Furious? Livid? Out of control? Wolfing out? Pick your poison." He said sarcastically and leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed. He knew that if Astra ever showed up again that Nova would not take kindly to it. Especially after the first few months of Astra's disappearance.

"All of the above." Astra responded. She was astonished at Remus' attitude in this situation. 

"Well, what did you think was going to happen? Other than Sirius, Nova took your disappearing act the worst." He told her. "My only question is why you disappeared. No note, your broom was gone, and you didn't turn up until now." 

They stood there in silence for a moment before Remus' face hardened even more and his eyes glinted in warning. "Show me your arms."

"W-What?" Astra asked in shock.

"Did I stutter? I said, show. Me. Your. Arms." He ground out. Astra held her arms out in front of her. Palms facing upwards. Remus quickly lifted the sleeves and inspected them. Astra went to pull her arms back, but Remus' grip on her wrists was too strong. He grabbed his wand from his back pocket and murmured, "Revelio."

He waited a few seconds. When nothing turned up he sighed in relief.

"You're not one of them." Remus deduced then looked back up at Astra sharply. "Don't think we're done yet. I assume Nova has already gotten her share of yelling in and that;s the only reason I'm not doing the same right now. Come on. We better get there before Nova destroys the place or kills Sirius."

He grabbed Astra's arm and turned on his heel, apparating onto the lawn of Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. He rushed into the house with Astra behind him. Before they entered the living room, Remus stopped Astra. 

"Stay here. There's no telling how much more angry Nova will be if she sees you right now. Maybe you can talk to her later, but right now she's mad enough to destroy the house. Frankly, I'm surprised this place is still standing." He told her and ran into the living room with his wand at the ready for any possible situation. he expected there to be broken furniture scattered about the room or Sirius out cold.

What he didn't expect to see was Sirius hugging the girl tightly in his arms as she slept. 

"Sirius! Are you-" He started but was interrupted.

"Shh! I'm fine! Once Astra was off the property and out of the vicinity, she calmed down a considerable amount so she was just crying. Not wrecking furniture or setting something on fire. I calmed her down some more. She cried for a few minutes but then fell asleep." Sirius whispered to Remus. Remus sighed in relief. "I don't know if she'll be able to talk tomorrow or the next day. Even with her advanced healing, she yelled for quite a long time. I'll put her in my room for now until we can get one of the other bedrooms cleaned. I can sleep on the couch for a few nights."

"Alright. Thank you. Astra can stay in one of dad's guest bedrooms for now until this whole thing blows over. Again, thanks for taking care of my sister."

"No problem, Moony. What are friends for. And roger on the whole rooming thing. I'm sure this will all blow over rather quickly for the situation and everything will go back to normal soon." Sirius smiled and picked Nova up to carry her up the stairs to his old room that was dust free. "See ya later, Moony!" 

"See you later, Padfoot. Take care." Remus said and left the house with Astra.

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