Chapter 18

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Once they got back up to the castle, they headed directly to the hospital wing. 

"Oh, my- Severus! What happened?" Poppy said as she rushed out of her quarters at the commotion of people coming into the hospital wing.

"That mutt didn't take his potion tonight. Students were out of bed and Nova got between them and him." Snape explained in his monotonous voice as Nova limped slightly behind him with Ron.

"Watch it, Sev." Nova ground out. "I'm as much of a mutt as he is. Except I am fully aware of what I am doing and so help me Merlin I will bite you." 

"Here, Nova, set him on this bed then sit down on the next one." Madam Pomfrey said sternly.

"Yes, ma'am. Careful there, Ron." She muttered as Ron almost tripped and grabbed his arm to keep him from falling.

I help him onto the bed and waited for Madam Pomfrey to return with the necessary medical potions for Ron.

"So..." Ron started as he adjusted himself on the bed. "You're a Shifter?"

"Yes, that is correct, Mr. Weasley. Do you have any questions or concerns? Perhaps I can ease your worries." Nova offered as she sat on the next bed and laid down.

""Um, yes. First, are you okay? You lost an awful lot of blood out there and he got your stomach pretty goo-"

Nova lifted her shirt so he could see her stomach. The tan skin there looked as if nothing had happened to it in the first place. You could only tell that she was once wounded because of the dried blood and the rip in her shirt.

"No worries. I can assure you I will not be disemboweled any time soon." She said as the young red head gaped in awe.

"W-well, um, is that why you avoided teaching us about the Astros tribe at the beginning of the year?" He asked as realization suddenly dawned on his face.

"Indeed."Nova confirmed with a nod as Madam Pomfrey returned with her medical potions.

"Will you return next year?" Ron asked after Poppy was done with him and had returned to her office for the time being.

"That is a good question, Mr. Weasley. Would you be so kind as to grace us with you presence next year Nova?" Albus Dumbledore asked as he walked through the doors of the Medical Wing with Harry and Hermione in tow.

"On one condition." Nova deadpanned looking into Dumbledore's eyes fiercely.

"Name it." Dumbledore and Nova stared at each other seriously for a few more minutes which unnerved the three teenagers in the room.

The tension got thicker as another minute past before Nova finally spoke.

"I get to ride the train."

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