Chapter 29

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"Alright, people! Another day, another hour, another minute! The sun is up and you should be, too!" Nova exclaimed as she burst through the door to her classroom that morning. The third years didn't even startle at the regular morning occurance. She marched to the front of the room then turned to face her students. "Okay! As you all know, the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving within the next hour. When you are called down, I expect you all to be on your best behavior. Got it?"

There was a chorus of 'Yes, Professor' throughout the room.

"Good." Nova smiled. "Now where were we? Oh yes, we were on the founding of Hogwarts. The biography of Helga Hufflepuff to be exact, correct? Alright, get out your parchment. There will be note taking today."


Nova scanned the sky besides Hagrid as they waited for the Durmstrang chariot to arrive.

"So, Nova, how's teachin' comin' 'long this year?" Hagrid asked politley as they stood on the castle grounds. Nova looked at him and flashed a smile.

"Oh, it's going along swelly! They are ever so lively in the mornings!" She sassed at him with her signature grin slapped on her face.

"Righto!" Hagrid exclaimed as they chuckled. "Bu' I be' you wake 'em righ' up!"

"They don't even jump when I crash through doors anymore!" Nova complained with a huff.

"Oh. I'm sure you'll think of other way ter wake 'em up!" At this Nova gave him a small mock salute as she spitted the carriage.

"Hagrid, that carriage is getting awfully close a lottle too fast for my liking!" She exclaimed with a cincerned look as Hagrid tried to guide them safely onto the grounds. Nova ducked when the carriage almost hit her a few seconds before it landed.

"Hey! Watch it! You almost took my head off!" Nova shouted angrily before walking up to the giant winged horses and giving them a gentle pat. Then the carriage doors opened and a boy in pale blue robes jumped down from the carriage, bentforward, fumbled for a moment with something on the carriagefloor, and unfolded a set of golden steps. Then sprang back respectfully. 

A few people gasped as Madame Maxime stepped out of the carriage. Nova didn't blame them. The woman was certainly a sight to see. She was much taller than Hagrid and her fashion choice was of question, but who was Nova to judge on looks. Her looks were strange as well.

Dumbledore started to clap; the students, following his lead,broke into applause too, along with Nova and Hagrid.

"My dear Madame Maxime," Dumbledore said as he politely kissed the hand the woman had extended to him. "Welcome to Hogwarts." 

"Dumbly-dorr," Madame Maxime greeted in her deep voice. Nova rolled her eyes at the nickname. "I 'ope Ifind you well?" 

"In excellent form, I thank you," said Dumbledore with a bright smile. 

"My pupils," Madame Maxime said, waving one of her enormous hands carelessly behind her.  About a dozen boys and girls in their late teens had emerged from thecarriage and were standing behind Madame Maxime. 

Theywere shivering, which was unsurprising, given that their robesseemed to be made of fine silk, and none of them were wearingcloaks. A few had wrapped scarves and shawls around their heads.Nova almost scoffed. Had Madame Maxime not given them proper attire for the cold climate of Scottland? 

" 'As Karkaroff arrived yet?" Madame Maxime asked. 

"He should be here any moment," Dumbledore replied. "Wouldyou like to wait here and greet him or would you prefer to step inside and warm up a bit?"

"Warm up, I think," Madame Maxime replied. Nova caught sight of her shivering slightly in the cold environment. "But ze 'orses-"

"No need to worry, Madame. Hagrid and I will be getting them to the stables tonight." Nova interrupted the conversation, drawing Madam Maxime's gaze over to the odd pair of Nova and Hagrid.

"My steeds require — er — forceful 'andling," MadameMaxime said, looking as though she doubted whether any Care of Magical Creatures teacher at Hogwarts and the smaller woman besides him could be up to the job. "Zey arevery strong..."

"I assure you that Hagrid and Professor Lupin here are well up to the job," Dumbledore replied with a smile.

"It wasn't 'Agrid I was worried about." The giant woman muttered to herself, giving Nova a once over. When she got to the white haired woman face, she noticed that said woman had a brow raised and was looking at her with slight irritation.

"Very well," said Madame Maxime, bowing slightly. "Ze 'orses drink only single-malt whiskey."

"It will be attended to," said Dumbledore, also bowing. 

"What spoiled horses." Nova muttered under her breath.

"Come," said Madame Maxime imperiously to her students,and the Hogwarts crowd parted to allow her and her students topass up the stone steps. 

For the next few minutes, there was a silence that was only broken by the stomping of Madame Maxime's horses. Then there was a rather odd sound in the lake. A rushing/gurgling sound. Nova looked over and saw the water in the lake beginning to swirl. Until eventually the Durmstrang ship rose from the depths and rocked for a moment before steadying.

Nova heard the anchor splash in the water that was shortly followed by the loud plunk of a plank on the shore. It wasn't long before they were able to see the silouhettes of people walking down the plank and across the grounds towards them. 

"Dumbledore!" Igor Karkaroff called heartily as he walked up the slope. "How are you, my dear fellow, how are you?"

"Blooming, thank you, Professor Karkaroff," Dumbledore replied.Karkaroff was tall and thin like Dumbledore, but his white hair was short,and he had a goatee. When he reached Dumbledore, he shook handswith both of his own. Nova stood nearby holding the giant horses reins along wih Hagrid and started to lead the horses to the stables they would be staying in. 

"Dear old Hogwarts," Igor said, looking up at the castle and smiling coldly. 

"Howgood it is to be here, how good... Viktor, come along, into thewarmth... you don't mind, Dumbledore? Viktor has a slight headcold..." Karkaroff beckoned forward one of his students. Nova rolled her eyes and scoffed now that she and Hagrid were out of sight and mind for the moment.

"Poor baby." She mocked. She didn't take too well to professors who favored one child over the rest. In fact, she still wasn't to happy with Albus Dumbledore.

"Now, now, Nova. You'll only have to put up with him 'til spring." Hagrid exclaimed with his deep, rumbling laughter.

"Oh, hush you." Nova grumbled. She did not trust Igor Karkaroff one bit. She knew all about the Ex-Death Eater's history.

The rest of the walk was silent. They didn't have very much trouble with the large horses until one of the ones Nova had been leading had gotten startled somehow. The woman had pulled the lead sharply and tugged to get the horse moving forwards again. When Hagrid and Nova had gotten the horses sttled in their new temporary home Nova turned to the large man besides her.

"Shall we head to the Great Hall now, my good sir?"

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